0 - Gods Prologue


If I were ever to be honest in real life, they'd put me in a straightjacket. At least I'm anonymous here.

My nemeton is empty. My worshippers are almost nowhere to be seen. Yet here I am, still living, in the 21st century, with only a small amount of art pieces and thousands of pounds of student debt to my name. A sad reality for a God. 

I'm not even supposed to be here - I should've grown up across the sea, in a small city, speaking a language that was beaten out of me more than a decade ago. It's not a virtue. But here I am.

I've been kidnapped, tortured, abused, raped, defiled. My people are scattered. My family of fellow Gods are out of reach. But here I am.

Eight times I've died in this life alone. He did that to me. He thought that I would surrender. He knows where I live. They know where I live. Yet somehow, I'm still here.

I want to run away again. But realistically, given my situation, I can't do that. I can't even guarantee that I'll be able to attend uni this year because of the cost of travel. I'm alone. Not on my own, in system, but physically, I'm relatively alone. 

I wish there was someone else, another God, a true God that I could rely on to at least confide in. But everyone I've told about my predicament, except for two people, seems to have distanced themselves from me. I'm lucky they didn't come for me and drag me to the loony bin, but I sure live in fear of it. 

I'm not delusional.

I know what I experienced.

So what do I do now?

I suppose I ride the tide wherever it takes me. I fight for myself, live for myself, follow through with finding the truth about everything that's been taken from me. I have no choice now. 

So here I am. An almost forgotten God in a big city, looking for a foothold in modern society. I figure if I'm alive, I can find one. 

I have returned. And I will be remembered.


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