11 - A God, Exhausted


I did a lot yesterday. I spoke to my caseworker about what bin boy did, as well as speaking to my new Galop advocate over the phone. My week seems to be filled to the brim.

I still need to fit in laundry and a shower.

I'm much more relaxed than I have been in a long time. Whilst I don't remember a great deal of what happened to me with regards to nopeman, I know it happened, given my reaction to telling someone about it.

My body went right to relief central.

I was pulled up on some of this, and those who did pull me up on the situation had a point. But I can't rightfully let that lout walk around knowing that he's capable of ignoring his neighbour being raped, let alone profiting off of it.

It would also explain the sexual comments he made about me and my other neighbour, which again, are entirely baseless.

I'm seeing my caseworker again today, to find some places so that I can get out of here.

Honestly, it's about time.

I'm excited. I'm hoping to move far, far away from here, so that I can start uni next year in the right place.

It won't be long now. 

As I think on this, I hear a mew from behind me in the nemeton, and a black, feline figure curls around the bottom of the altar.


He scampers over, nuzzling into my leg. I notice the cat food bag in the corner. There's a note attached, so I walk over to read it. 

"Thought you might want a friend whilst you're here. Stay safe, plushie.

- R"

I can't help but smile. There's only one person that Erebus is as comfortable with than me, perhaps even more so. 


We go way, way back. As in, millennia. We've been dating since before the Sim even existed. I miss him playing pranks on me and making me laugh. I suppose he knows having Erebus around will make me feel less alone.

And I've been alone for a very long time.

Now, it seems, I'm not completely alone. Come to think of it, is there water here? I search around the nemeton, to find a rather large well to the left of the altar. I turn on my phone torch.

That's a lot of water. 

I partially fill the bucket, then unload some water into one of the bowls Robb left with the cat food.


Erebus hops over and laps at the water, then snuggles into my lap, purring.

Trugarez, Robb.

The sunlight and candlelight still fills the nemeton, and as I fidget with the pendant Sweeney gave me yesterday, I ponder over what my fellow Gods' lives are like. 

Are they well? Are they happy? Are they fulfilled?

I've been pondering over my real parents and my brother, and their wellbeing, for a while now. 

I hope they're ok.

The last person I remember seeing from our family was my aunt, and we didn't even get the chance to speak, due to how precarious my position was at the time.

A thousand eyes, watching you.

I'd like to see my family again. 

Soon, lovely. Soon.

Speaking of the thousands of eyes, I recently remembered something. During my visit to Keates' House whilst I was homeless, I wrote a poem about angels messing with time, and now, having learned about what I experienced, I don't believe that this was a coincidence.

Referring to what those angels were doing as monstrous, after everything they've done to me, cannot be a coincidence.

Even now, I'm still trying to fully decode what it means. I was with an ex friend at that time, so the memories of writing it leave a bittersweet taste in my mouth.

She was nice, until she wasn't.

But enough about that. What it means is more important. 

I think I have something.

Those angels were altering my memories.

So I couldn't fight back.

At this point, it's disappointing, but not surprising.

Not long after these things happened, they would make sure I ceased to front, and completely fuck with whatever memories were there, either through masking over them or replacing them with something else that would still make partial sense.

But they can't get rid of or take away memories entirely like time Gods can, which means...

Those memories are still there, in system.

I need to find whatever was stolen from me, and have it all returned to as much chronological order as possible. 

I will remember. And they'll pay for what they've done.



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