13 - A God, Balancing


It's amazing how much can happen in one day.

Things like luck seem precarious, and subject to change.

I seem to have simultaneously gotten lucky and unlucky.

I suppose I should start with the bad news.

My rent arrears have gotten to over £3000, and unless I get that sorted, like today, my housing association very well might kick me out.

In truth, it is partly Starry Pants' fault, and partly Housing Benefit's fault, so I'll have to pull that up with Housing Benefit.

My caseworker knows, so I'm pretty sure that at some point, we can work on that.

We'll see what they say, as I just asked for help with Housing Benefit.

And the good news?

Well, I got my first sale on Etsy today.

Sure, maybe it didn't go through the way I wanted it to, but it made me happy.

I look forward to getting more customers, and potentially, more money.

As I should.

Today, I might be able to take a bath, if my clothes and towel dry (Gods willing), and as I'll have the wrestling to enjoy with my nice neighbour, I'll smell nice when I go up.

He has been encouraging me to take care of myself, which I appreciate.

Halloween's not far away, and I'm excited for it.

I'll likely be watching the wrestling with my neighbour after having done a cleansing spell for the New Year. As for costumes, I think the more realistic, the scarier.

I haven't really got any plans for the weekend, so we'll just see what happens. I might buy some white out contact lenses to prepare for it. 

Either way, I look forward to Samhain.

As I think this, said contact lenses pop up on the altar in the nemeton. A sticky note is attached to them.

"Don't play dead for too long." - Tsuki 

The inside jokes are real this week. 

That specific joke is about how many times I've actually died. (Quite a few.) And it's something that only someone really close to me would know. Tsuki is another one of my boyfriends, so he would know. 

Before you all shout at me about polyamory, my Gaulish arse couldn't give a flying raccoon what you think about my love life.

Anyway, I take a look at the lenses. 

They're a top brand. Really expensive, too. He must have put a lot of thought into it. 

I rummage through my things to give in return, and I find a moon pendant on a silver chain.


I leave it on my offering altar. 

I miss him. I miss them all, honestly. My family, my friends, my romantic partners, my colleagues...

I sigh, propping myself up against the wall, throw blanket around me, Erebus on my lap again after having eaten more cat food.

At least I'm not by myself.

Stroking his head, I gaze up at the sunlight streaming into the nemeton.

I'll find you all soon.


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