15 - A God, Rising


Today is Mars Retrograde, apparently.

It would explain why I've been feeling so tired recently. Retrograde shadow periods suck if you don't know they're there.

I have a sale on Etsy starting today, which I'm also really excited about, as I might actually get sales.

We all live in hope.

Today, tomorrow and Tuesday, I'm going to do a load of Halloween stuff. Probably watch some horror or Halloween themed material, to get myself in the mood.

A New Year is coming.

I've always enjoyed Samhain. It feels like a cleaning, a gift of a new lease of life among everything else that sleeps.

Whilst the majority's eyes shut, mine open.

I might even break out the Chouchen, given how much I have to celebrate this month.

First my freeversary, then both Halloween and Samhain. Día de Los Muertos isn't that far off either, and the veil shuts on Guy Fawkes Night, when I watch the next Pay Per View wrestling show with my neighbour. There's a lot to have fun with.

As the veil thins, I can feel my power increasing. Which leads me onto something that I have forgotten to mention about myself.

I am a psychopomp. A God of Death.

Let me explain. For a while, I had to guard the gateway to the Gaulish underworld, as no one else really could, and I ended up becoming a psychopomp to my people as well. 

And when things really took a turn, I stole the title of 'Death' in its entirety. 

I am the Fourth Horseman.

Which essentially means I preside over any and all death that happens. Given my other duties, it is rather a lot. But there are few other people I would be able to entrust it to, and I'd rather be safe than sorry, especially given that nopeman has had some of his goons disguised as my loved ones to deceive me multiple times.

I will not take that risk.

But I will be smart about what I attend to when. That's something I have to be smart about.

I cannot be bitten by what I don't know about, lest it be the end of me.

For now, I will focus on myself and self care, so that I can be a greater asset to my people.

After all, that's what Gods are - figureheads. Examples of how to be, or, how not to be.

As I think upon this, I hear a rattling coming from behind the altar in the nemeton. Intrigued, I cross the granite floor and peek from the side. A black rabbit pushes at the door to a well cleaned hutch full of hay.


Opening the hutch, I outstretch my arms, to which Nyx responds by jumping into my lap. Erebus scampers over, tail in the air in a welcoming fashion as he begins to sniff Nyx, then nuzzles against her. 

Both of my fur babies are here!

There's a note attached to the hutch, so I pluck it off.

"Hey Lin, you miss me? Because I miss you too. She missed you as well, so our friends gave her to me. Remember to find me, ok?

- I"


Of all the people to gift me with anything, let alone Nyx, Ivar? It's plausible, but it's still a bit of a mind fuck for me. Either way though, I'm happy to hear from him.

We never actually met until we lived lives on the Sim, so the nature of our relationship is different than that of most of my romantic relationships that I have mentioned. Then again, I suppose every God has that one human they like...

I sigh, smiling and shaking my head.

He knew I'd love this.

Noticing the pack of organic pellets and fruit and veg he brought along with the hutch, I fill one of the bowls that was left in the hutch for Nyx. She seems to like that, and eats well. Erebus is also munching on his cat food, so I take some time to sit and relax. And ponder.

I do wonder how everyone is doing. 

I take a sip of ginger beer, and yet again, the ginger plays havoc with my sinuses. 

Of course it does.

I stretch, taking in the large amount of offerings on my altar, and realise just how far I've come in a matter of two weeks.

I am a God, rising.

A lot of people won't like that, but many more people will.

I am rising, and this time, I will get to the very top.


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