5 - A God, Exposing


Last night I had yet another dram of vitriol thrown at me by my nightmare neighbour.

Yes, bin boy chose to make himself known again.

The amount of bullshit that he spouts, I'm surprised that he has any friends, given the way he acts when he breaks another person's boundaries.

Also weird that he thinks he can win when he exposes himself, but I suppose a lot of narcissists are delusional.

I won't let his projection reflect badly on me.

This argument came about when I mentioned calling the police on a person who had been banging on our door, screaming something about 'turning the music down'. Now the neighbour I normally hang out with does blast music fairly often, but it's not usually at such a level that neighbours from other houses can hear. Sometimes other rooms in our house will hear it, but rarely. Given her response though, it did not feel safe to me to go face to face with her, and her own behaviour could be marked as anti-social behaviour.

That's when he chose to try and fight me.

Naturally, I knew he was typing to make a point of disagreeing with me in a rude way so that I'd be triggered into arguing with him. However, after two spats with him where he did this, I know better than to rise to the bait.

Never again, bin boy.

Whilst it's true that my other neighbour could very well have been given a warning, given how loud his music was, in comparison to her reaction, calling the council or police would've been more polite.

Banging on doors screaming will get you nowhere.

You know what I did?

I just made a point of leaving a government page on the group chat to let everyone know what the laws on noise complaints were.

Of course, he kept attacking myself and my other neighbour anyway, including implying that we were in a sexual relationship. (We're not.)

First of all, sexual assault and child sexual assault survivor. Second, it's not his business to speculate.

He kept trying to lure me into speaking by name dropping me and falsely accusing me of threats and violence (which never happened, and he set me up to yell at him, so there's that), but I kept quiet.

No need to prove myself when he's spewing a gold mine of horseshit all by himself.

Also, all of this was done whilst on the group chat for our house, for everyone to see.

Including our safe house's caseworker.

So they're going to see what he's said in the chat.

Given his antagonism, he'll very likely get a warning.

It looks like if anyone will get any kind of disciplinary notice, it'll be bin boy.

He did come in choosing to throw hands, and I basically ignored him. I can almost guarantee it drove him mad.

But I have much better things to be focusing on than that degenerate.

A God does not concern themself with those who prove to be far below them.

I have an appointment with my work coach today. He's brilliant. I'll show him the group chat, and we'll probably laugh about it. I haven't seen him for a while, so it'll be nice.

Besides, I need some fresh air. And a change of pace.

As I sit, eating some delicious food from Caffè Nero (bouji, I know), a raspberry almond tart from said café chain apports onto my altar.


First my daughter-in-law, then my husband (presumably), now both of my parents have left gifts for my nemeton.

Something's going on.

The mooncake, I'm pretty sure, was about me being late to find out in this life that I'm a God, given when Poppy chose to offer it.

The rose and the letter, I'm almost certain are my husband telling me that he's keeping me and my mother in mind. 

He always cared.

As for my Dad's brass timepiece offering, that's pretty obvious. He likely made it himself. Heck, I have a good inkling about where it was made.

Come to me when you're ready. I'm seeking you out too.

My Maman's cake offering, I can only assume, is her telling me she loves me, and that she remembers what I enjoy, which is far removed from how my abusers treated me.

A mother's love never fails to notice even the smallest things.

Whatever's happening, I look forward to seeing what happens next, and wherever the wind will take me.


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