30.5 - A God, Wisely


The concert is a set up. Before you call me mad, please let me explain.

That concert is supposed to be at the O2 Arena, in Greenwich.

Before you say that Greenwich is safe, please look at this from a spiritual perspective.

It's one of the most used places consistently in Britain by almost all civilisations who have lived there, and time, as well as longitude are calculated based off of measurements from the area.

I am a time God.

Let me also point out that the O2 Arena is shaped very much like a clock, has a ridiculous capacity intended for multiple audiences and is situated on a ley line, right next to the Thames. 

I was going to wear partially green merch as my Within Temptation shirt has a green design, and I was also going to be wearing green makeup, all of which I've been warned against before, when it was still dangerous for me to be obvious about my godliness, as it was the colour I was assigned as part of the cult. 

Spiritually, I would have been a walking neon sign. 

Heck, the word green is in its name. Knowing that I only ever went there with my abusers and the fact that their daughter spent a year studying there as well...

I would have been roadkill.

Now I don't know who owns Greenwich, probably either nopeman or one eye, but either way, knowing what I know now, it would be ridiculous for me to go ahead and undo almost two years of recovery over going to a concert, no matter how much I like the bands who are playing.

I don't have any fear of missing out. I'll do what's best for me.

I suppose I haven't explained ownership of areas with relation to safety much, have I?

I probably should.

Essentially, when a person from the Sim control room owns an area, they also manage who comes in and out of that area, who can enter and exit, who can stay, who lives and dies, and what kinds of activity can go on in that area. Most areas are  hallmarked with what that person is known for.

Except that area doesn't have his hallmark.

That hallmark Greenwich bears belongs to me.

Which is why he's been trying to lure me into the area - it's a pathway to him attempting to get everything he's ever wanted.

I'm not falling for it again.

I'm going to have to reclaim Greenwich somehow. I don't know how, but I will.

My people need me.

I'll find a way, somehow. For now, I have to rest, otherwise I won't be able to enforce countermeasures against him.

I won't be the same programmed puppet he once manipulated to be his animated pylon. Not a chance.

When I recover enough to defeat him, it's on.


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