35 - A God, Mighty


Today I may very well not go to the Ultimate Seminar at all.

If I do feel able to turn up, I will, but if not, I won't.

It's already started, so it's most likely that I'll either turn up later, or not at all.

I wanted to go, but if it's going to cause me too much stress to go, even if I enjoy the prospects of going, it won't be worth straining my health over it.

For now, I'm just going to enjoy the food I bought from Starbucks and rest well.

After everything that's happened this week, I deserve it.

I found a scratch near the back of my neck again, and I'm honestly not sure who it's from this time.

It may very well be self inflicted, but I highly doubt that. But what I do know for sure is that it isn't Rickmansworth, because he can't come here any more. That leaves others of his goons, including potentially bin boy, though I would think that if it were him, he would have inflicted it spiritually as opposed to physically.

He doesn't have the spine to square up with me physically. He knows I'd win.

Well, I can play the spiritual game too. And I will win. 

I've said it before and I'll say it again - you fuck around, you find out.

Besides all this, I actually feel quite good. I caught up with a few of the web comics that I hadn't read this week, which is always a plus.

I had missed reading them, honestly.

If I do ever want to go out somewhere, once my book stash runs out, I may very well go to the library and read or borrow some.

It's been a long time since I read much fiction, and back when I lived with my abusers, I had ridiculous amounts of it that I enjoyed reading. I'm pretty sure I also left some books unfinished.

There was a specific book series or trilogy that I remember reading about that seems extremely important, and I can't remember it very well.

It had a boy called Spike in it, and at one point, I believe that they travelled through time, or to a parallel timeline, but I'd have to find the books to know for sure. Oh, I think the girl's name was Polly! 

I wish I remembered more. I tried researching based on Spike and Polly, but nothing came up.

I'll probably have to dig a bit deeper to find what I'm looking for.

All I know is that somehow it was important spiritually, and that it helped me through being stuck with my abusers.

I need to find it again. I think it could tell me more about myself and my parents.

Given the state of the search results, it's unlikely I'll find it unless by some lucky chance, though.

I may remember it later on.

I hope very much that I'm able to. 

As that thought crosses my mind, a golden timepiece appears on my altar in the nemeton.


I realise as soon as I see the engraving.


He doesn't tend to visit here, nor does he tend to gift people with things. But you know it'll be good quality when he does.

Nice to see you, Poppa.

Nice to see you too, kid.

What brings you to these parts?

Divine timing, kid.


Rickmansworth, Greenwich, those books and your common sense.

Ah ok. Remind me why I keep hearing your voice as an Italian-American mobster?

Base of operations, kid. 

I can't help but laugh. I always thought Kronos was more uptight, but he's really not. He's more like that one uncle who knows literally everyone and so can get the job done for you. 

Those myths the Romans made about us are honestly the most stupid shit I've ever seen and heard made. Like, imagine trying to accuse most Greeks of cannibalism? Couldn't be me, kid.

He does have a point. They tried to make him sound ridiculously paranoid, not to mention undermining the loyal relationship between himself and Rhea.

It says a heck of a lot about how they viewed us, too.

They majorly insulted Gaul as well, and particularly you and your mother. Like, being given birth to by a horse, and giving birth to a horse with wings? They're not subtle with projecting that bestiality bullshit onto people.

Neither myself nor my family ever would have done it.

No, ya wouldn't, because you're fucking dignified. They tried to say that same shit about the Celts and the Welsh people, but we all know that never happened, either.

Exactly, especially the traditions with the Welsh kings.

I'm not even going to go into that, because they completely botched the telling of that one, and what came out of it was absolutely disgusting.

Honestly, I wish I could wring the necks of the ones who had done it at the time.

Same, kid. But I suppose you can torment them in the afterlife, eh kiddo?

I probably can, if they haven't already reincarnated a million times already.

Either way, not to worry. They'll have Nemesis on their backs in no time anyway. She always keeps score.

She does. What did you want to say about the other stuff?

Oh yeah. Rickmansworth is getting weaker, so at some point soon, you'll be able to retake Greenwich. Just don't go alone.

I will definitely keep that in mind.

As for the books, you'll find them when you need to find them. They'll seek you out. 

That's always great to hear.

And one more thing - you'll be able to move soon. I can feel it in my bones. I suggest that when that time and opportunity comes, you take it. But that's your decision when it turns up, kid.

Thanks, Poppa.

Of course. Leave me a piece of brie, will ya?

Of course! ^^

I leave a piece of brie on the offering altar alongside an ornate silver dagger.

Adventure - and danger - is out there! 

I can feel him chuckling.

Many blessings to ya, kid!

And you! 

As the offerings disappear, I smile.

It's always nice to get good news. The power I seem to hold over all of this is mighty. And now, the wait is almost over.


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