39 - A God, Steady


I got an idea for a Christmas story the other day.

I will now have to look at all of the holidays in December for this year.

It's going to be fun to write for sure. I already had a bit of fun discussing the idea with a good friend of mine. (Who will be credited, but only if they want to be.)

I'm hoping that I can put some dedication into it.

I'll have to wait until my Amazon packages turn up, though.

I bought some new notebooks, and the TV and what have you may also help with some new creative endeavours.

I'm genuinely excited. It also means that I no longer have to rely on my other neighbour to watch the wrestling if and when I want to.

I know that access to WWE is an extra payment, but it sure as hell is worth it for me.

I'm supposed to be seeing my caseworker today. I'm hoping that they don't cancel again, but I'm not entirely sure.

Apparently the police want to ask me more questions about what I told them about nopeman. I'm not comfortable with it, but if I can get it over with, I can at least say I'm cooperating.

I just had to look at the pictures again to remind me what happened when.

It's still fairly hazy, and I don't really want to talk about it, but if it will get nopeman off the street and away from me and anybody else he's hurt, I'll do it.

After seeing my caseworker, I may wash my hair, and potentially do some laundry.

It does need to be done. Like, severely.

But for now, I'll probably just take as much of a rest as I can.

If I focus on self care, I'll gradually get better. That means starting to brush my teeth again, among other things.

Luckily for me, it's only been a day or two, so as long as I catch up on it, there shouldn't be too much difference.

It's always important to catch these things early.

Lin. You know what I'm going to say.


Ya, mat eo din, I will eat soon.

Preferably before seeing your caseworker, but I'm honestly not sure they'll care.

They probably won't. How are you?

I'm good. Business has been busier than expected this year.

Aventana, or as most of you will know her, Aventia (sodding Romans), is a goddess of water and springs, but also of grain. She's my father's mother, whose husband (my Granda) you guys met a few entries ago. 

Given the climate situation, I'm not surprised.

It's not brilliant, but it also isn't the end. Climate is controlled by the Weather Department, as you know, being part of it yourself, so once that is dealt with, the effects of the wrong people being in power will probably lessen.

True. We just have to get to them before they decide to nuke the whole thing.

Ah yes. He likes nuclear weaponry.

He really does.

What brings you here today?

Seeing one of my grandchildren. And making sure they take good care of themself.

Fair enough.

Just being around her feels like being wrapped in a blanket, being given hot soup and a big hug.

Mat eo din. That man has tried his darndest to slander you publicly in the Gods' Sphere, and I decided I wasn't having any of it.

Wait. After everything I've responded with, he still has the nerve?

I shouldn't really be that surprised, but I also thought that he'd be too sick to even use the Gods' Sphere to communicate anything. Not that he should even be able to, but he uses an incognito account to communicate, so I assume that's what he's using. Anyone would know it was him.

All he's really doing is making himself look like an idiot, but I couldn't allow him to insult you or our family name the way he did. It was vile. Most of the Gods don't seem to believe it though, so I feel you're probably in the clear.

Do you think it explains some of my unpleasant dreams?

Most of that is probably programming, my dear. However, if more things than that have been sent your way, I wouldn't be surprised. Him and his goons don't seem to learn from their mistakes.

A lack of self awareness appears to be one of their signature trademarks.

Bunch of narcissistic psychopathic cunts, the lot of them.

I can't help but smile. The Gaulish side of my family were always much more foul mouthed than the Greek side, with a few exceptions. I missed hearing Granna cuss people out who deserve it.

So this is essentially a check in after that?


That makes sense, especially if he tried to spout any incredibly bad vitriol at me.

I think he may have tried to send me some cult stuff last night. I don't remember the dream that well, but I do remember people in system having to throw away a load of old style cinema reels. You think that has anything to do with it?

I wouldn't rule it out. After all, that's how he programmed you in the first place.

Wait. Does that mean what I think it does?

I have an assumption, but do tell me what you think it is.

The Voldys said that the first movie they took me to see was The Lion King, right?

Go on, I think I see where this is going.

If the Disney stuff was all cultified, they must have used that on me at an early age with symbolism, as I didn't fully understand the language.

Ya, go on.

Which means that The Lion King wasn't the first movie I saw, it was the first movie I was programmed with.

It looks like you figured it out.

They said I was only one or two, but I was forced into a buggy for much longer than that.

Probably until you were about four or five. You didn't need it, as you were running away from the danger, but most people didn't seem to understand that.

So with them taking me to the cinema, that was my first experience of programming.


Gast. I actually figured it out. I'm angry, but not at all surprised.

Of all things, why The Lion King?

Modern retelling of Shakespeare, combined with Disney. Easy to cultify and rework into programming. And I know you're thinking of the Simba and Nala scene. Ya, that is also programming that is especially disgusting, given your young age at the time.

I won't throw up on his account.

Nann, I don't expect that you will.

I actually want to know what the fuck is wrong with this guy. I probably already know, but the more I remember, the worse he gets.

He's a fucking creep. A paedophilic, psychopathic creepo cunt.

Well that's one way to describe him.

I can't help but laugh, because she's right. But I've got to say trugarez to the people in system later. They deserve it.

Trugarez, Granna.

Of course, ma kared. ^^

I grin. She's always been supportive of me, and I love our conversations. It's been a long time since I had a conversation like this.

Whatever you need, any time, you call me, ya?

Ya, I will. Karout a ran ac'hanout.

Karout a ran ac'hanout, ma kared. Keep safe.

And you. 

I place a silver ring with a blue topaz centre onto the offering altar, alongside a large packet of Skittles. They asport.

Keep well, Granna.


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