40 - A God, Traversing


I'm hoping to begin properly writing the Christmas story I've been planning today.

It's definitely going to be fun.

I want to see how much I can write within a day, but I also want to take good care of my body, as I think I might be a tad overheated.

It is warm in here, but I also probably need that.

Today I was supposed to go to my UC appointment, but didn't in the end.

I didn't think that the TV was going to show up last night, so I cancelled.

If I'd had known, I would have considered it, but also 11am is way too early, and to be quite honest, my fatigue has been playing havoc with me, so it's not like I'm deliberately winding my way out of going.

Besides, writing may very well help me draw in an income, and if I can do that, I may not even need UC any more.

Let's hope that I can get lots of money to pay off all of my debts.

It's exciting to think about, especially if it goes well.

Speaking of money, my TV is definitely worth it when combined with my Roku stick.

I'll definitely be watching Disney Plus on it, among other things.

I'm excited, but also really tired from setting it up last night.

When I can, I'm definitely going to go and take a nap.

As I think about this, a wall hanging lands on my altar in the nemeton. When I unravel it, the cloth depicts a crescent moon with a face wearing a nightcap, sound asleep.

Hypnos, you clown me.

I was expecting to see Artemis today, but it may be that she's quite busy at this time. Perhaps tomorrow. But Hypnos making himself known is also a welcome surprise.

I'll assume you've seen my dreams as Morpheos has.

I have indeed. Some of them have shown and implied a number of unspeakable horrors done to you. If I'm honest, I'm surprised you haven't cracked. But then again, it is you that I'm talking to.

Most people haven't experienced our shit.

'Our'? Yours, maybe. Mine mainly consisted of running from a fake Zeus and hiding behind my mother, because I had that option. You did not.

He has a point. Still, fake Gods are not fun to have to confront, and Nyx has always been good at laying down the law, so it's not like he was merely being a coward. Hypnos is smart, and he deserves more credit for that.

What brings you here, cousin?

I have a message about your waking dreams - and how they can come true. Because they can, believe me. You already know yourself that you are a God. 

I believe that you can bring the revolution to life, and I would like to do my best to help where I can, as would Morpheos.

If there is anything you need, please ask.

So my daydreams and talk of Greenwich among the other Greek Gods got their attention. I can't say I'm entirely caught off guard, but the forwardness to help in such a thing, knowing what their powers are, was unexpected.

Why do you want to help me?

I think the answer to that is quite obvious. What question are you really asking?

What's in it for you?

Freedom. You know the motto.

I do know the motto.

Is Morpheos in for the same reason?

Yes, though I do also feel he's morally obliged to help.

That sounds about right.

I'm more than happy to traverse this plain together with you, especially given that I know you can't enter the Dreaming for the sake of your own safety.

Thank you, Hypnos. I appreciate that.

First off - what do you think you'll need to start this?

I need influence. The last time anyone dreamt of me or my name was almost a thousand years ago. If people know me for me, and not just as Medusa, then that would be great. However, I also need a safe way to do that.

I'm hearing your discussion up top, and I think we and your system agree that a code replica would be most safe to do that with.

I now need to explain what a code replica is.

A code replica is a projection of a person that lasts a short period of time to either convey a short message or safely insert a spiritual presence into a specific area to increase influence and trust within both human and non human populations. 

The replica is usually plugged into the coding of either an area or space with which that person can be easily identifiable. For me, it's most likely that I'll be put into a less unreachable department of consciousness first, to ensure that my image is accessible. Technically I am still part of the departments I worked in as I'm still attached to my console, but I am blotted out spiritually.

The most viable section to put my replica in, as Morpheos is pointing out now, is language. First and foremost because everything uses it, and second because it will enable me to access my other departments, and potentially everything else, much more easily. Universal Translator was my job, and still is, through both language and energy.

Language department it is.

And all we need is one word.


I think we can all agree that we like that.

Hypnos, Morpheos? Thank you.

Of course. This is going to be fun. And probably the most we've done over the past millennium.

You and me both.

I leave a spare throw blanket and a small music box on the offering altar for Hypnos and Morpheos respectively, and they asport.

Take care of yourselves.

You too, cousin. Ελευθερία ή θάνατος.

Ελευθερία ή θάνατος.

I feel their presences fade, and I smile.

It's game on.


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