41 - A God, Formidable


Sometimes I need to be careful of what I say, lest it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.

I pull out the sick excuse and then my throat decides to go full flu mode.

Then again, I say that, but my caseworker was also sick whilst at work when I saw them (they did say it wasn't Covid, but still...), so it may very well be that I caught whatever they have.

It doesn't help that I've started my period, which seems to make me all the more susceptible to viral illnesses.

I had felt extremely tired earlier, but instead of listening to my body, I decided to watch the remainder of Agent Carter.

Really, I should have gotten some sleep. My sleep cycle is now completely out of whack. It's 7am, for fuck's sake.

Hopefully whatever it is will abate enough for me to still be able to enjoy the Poppy concert on Sunday.

My period will also have likely died down a considerable amount by then too, so my body should be a bit stronger in order to tackle the issue.

I'm also hoping that I'll be able to properly concentrate on writing the Christmas story I'm planning in time for the 1st.

It's not far away, and I really don't want to have to postpone it until next year to get it done. The prequel I can do that for, as I'll have more time to plan, but for this one, I really don't.

Then again, it is me giving myself a time limit.

If worst comes to worst, I can always wait. But I don't have to.

Either way, I took the last of the cold and flu medicine that I have, so that should last me a while.

It was a bit old though, so getting some more won't do me any harm.

I don't have plans for today, but I'm hoping that soon, I can get out of here.

It's unlikely that I'll go before I take Greenwich, but I'm open to playing the long game if it works in my favour.

For now, I'm going to do my best to take care of myself, bolster my career opportunities and have fun.

I'm in my twenties. Of all the times I should be having fun, it's now.

As I think this, a strangely shaped object apports onto my altar in the nemeton. Upon closer inspection, I realise that it's a hunting bow - made with cedar, to be exact.

So Artemis did decide to show up.

Yes I did. ^^

What brings you here?


So Hypnos and Morpheos have already started working. They really do come in clutch when they want to do something.

It's great to have you on the team.

Where else would I be? ;)

I was a little concerned when you didn't turn up yesterday.

Lesbian wedding.


Of course. She protects maidens until their wedding days, unless they're lesbians, in which case she's there to sanctify and protect their union. Hera or Aphrodite could do it, but Artemis has more experience with lesbian weddings than Hera, and both Hera and Aphrodite have their hands full on a number of levels beyond marriage.

You're sick, aren't you?

Was I that obvious?

Go to bed.


Do you really want me to get my brother?

Don't threaten me with a good time.

I can sense her rolling her eyes, but I also know that she's trying her damnedest not to laugh.

You really are something else, you know that?

You sound like my husband.

Lin, there is really no comparison.

I can sense her sighing, but her energy feels jovial.

I came here because I know about your campaign against Rickmansworth, and I want to help.


How can I help?

For a minute, I'm silent. How do I answer that? She's a Goddess of the Hunt - fighting is her main iconography. But she's so much more than that, and I know it too. She's also a sorceress, a water Goddess, a Moon goddess... And she's as much a prophet and purveyor of word as her brother. People tend to forget these things because she's a woman. Such negligence, I think.

Show them what could be.

I don't follow.

You know what I mean.

For a moment, our connection is silent.

I can. But I'm going to need you to take care of yourself so that it can happen.

You're on. Don't forget about looking out for yourself.

Of course. I do that all the time. :)

Rolling the crinks out of my shoulders, I stand, leaning into one of my offering baskets, and pull out an ornate dagger. I leave it on the offering altar alongside a small magpie statue.

Mind. You're being tracked.

Thanks. I'll keep that in mind. ελευθερία ή θάνατος.

ελευθερία ή θάνατος.

Her presence floats away, and I prop myself up on the nemeton wall, granite cooling my back. Nyx and Erebus snuggle on my lap.

Keep safe, cousin.


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