43 - A God, Searching
I think I may have found one of my real names, but I'm not entirely sure.
Usually I would ask one of my friends, but recently, they've backed out further and further from my situation, so out of respect for that, I can't bother them with it. After all, it's their prerogative, and the first priority in that situation is keeping them safe and happy.
It's based on the name I use for witchcraft, but I can't be entirely sure if I'm right. I'll need to do a reading to be sure.
I'll see if an oracle reading gives me any answers.
It seems that my assumption is correct, and that I may have indeed found my real name. It does however say that I will need help in finding my family, and to weigh up all of my options before I do.
I can't do this on my own.
I've read further into my situation, and it seems that going to Wales will give me the answers that I need.
It also sounds like I was born there, which would make a lot of sense, given that I wasn't stopped at any borders when I was kidnapped.
Given that I was planning to go to uni there anyway, and the Voldys didn't want me to study in Bangor, complaining that it was 'too far', I wouldn't be surprised if that was one of the reasons they didn't want me going there.
That and being able to control me.
Either way, I will find my real family, and I will find ou what happened to me.
And this time, I will know the truth.
Usually, I try to write these blogs in the morning, but today hasn't been that kind of day.
When I figure out how to properly change time, I'll let you know.
I was too sick to go and see Poppy today, but honestly, it's probably for the best.
I still don't know how ready I am to travel again anyway, and given that the last few times I did resulted in panic attacks, I need a period of recovery and gradual exposure before I jump into anything too intense that I may very well not be ready for.
I know I'll get back to travelling like I did before. I'm excited to see what unfolds.
I'm getting better at eating and cleaning myself again, so if I keep at it, I should be on a good trajectory to recovery.
I have been feeling more energetic lately, so I think there's already been a significant improvement.
I know I'm getting better.
As I think this, a box of tissues, a box of Beechams and a goldfinch plushie appear on my altar in the nemeton.
Hi, lol. What do you want me to call you? Tavi, Lin or Lily?
At this point, I honestly don't mind.
Alright. I know you've been struggling with regards to health, so I want to help in whatever way I can.
Thanks, cousin.
Of course. Besides, this is also my way of sticking it to nopeman after he chucked me out of the health department.
Let's make it the worst mistake he ever made.
It probably won't be the worst, but it'll sure as hell be in his Top Five if I have anything to do with it. ;)
Sounds great. Besides helping me get better, what brings you here?
Revenge, my Dad, spreading your word... I think you know where this is going.
I most certainly do.
How can I help?
People need spiritual and emotional healing as much as they need physical healing, especially with regards to ancestry. Too much generational and ancestral trauma in the Western Hemisphere is being ignored these days. None of the past two thousand or so years have been properly addressed, and they need to be.
I definitely can help with that. Judging by Kronos' willingness to help you, I'm sure he could help with that too, along with perhaps Mnemosyne.
All three of you would make a great team for that.
Sounds good. Also, I wanted to say that if you wanted help properly finding your family, you can always go to Hera or Rhea. If you want more help with your Gaulish and Celtic side, I think Damona and DanĂº can help.
Thanks, Geia.
Of course. We do want you to find us eventually. Also, with regards to Wales, I do think Ceridwen and Elen will want to help, so feel free to ask them if you need anything.
I absolutely will. I'll probably invite them here, if they want to see me.
Go for it! Both pantheons miss you, I feel.
I miss them too. You'll tell them I'm ok, right?
Of course I will. For now, focus on getting better, ok?
I will. Thank you, Hygeia.
As her presence wanes, I leave a first aid kit, alongside a pendulum and a gold pocketwatch on the offering altar. They fade away.
Keep going, cousin.
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