44 - A God, Crowned


I'm still running a horribly high fever.

The last time I perspired this much, I was still with the Voldys (my abusers), and the only reason I was let off was because I had thrown up non stop for about six hours.

I really would not like a repeat of that.

Today I really want to finish the general outline for each chapter of my Christmas novel, but I have no idea if I'll be able to, given how serious my condition is right now.

It looks like I'll have to sweat this one out.

What's worse is that tomorrow I'm supposed to be going to a GP appointment with my caseworker, and I have no idea how well I'll be, let alone if I'll be well enough to walk to the GP surgery.

I missed the last appointment as well. I can't miss this one, or else I may not get transferred to another specialist.

It's annoying when these kinds of things depend upon your ability to turn up physically.

Kind of ableist, in my opinion.

Come to think of it, the times in which people had family physicians and doctors feel a lot less ableist accessibility wise.

Although that puts certain classist and racist culture hallmarks under scrutiny as well.

Spiderman 3 (with Tobey Maguire) has been hard for me to watch, honestly.

Partially because some of the behaviours exhibited just don't feel like the same character, but then again, if Venom is anything to go by, I suppose Peter's mannerism changes would be characteristic of a symbiote being compatible with him, depending on said symbiote's personality.

Now that I'm watching it, I'm starting to understand why that movie was the last one made with Tobey Maguire aside from No Way Home.

The sudden change probably knocked people a considerable amount. Had it been done in a TV series and it mounted properly, it would make sense. But also Peter at times is massively dismissive of MJ's feelings, which also feels uncharacteristic of him. It's certainly a lot darker than the first two thematically.

On a more positive topic, I've found out that yet another one of my ancestors is royalty.

Except he was the ruler of a South Asian kingdom, which makes him an outlier.

The way it all lines up is uncanny.

I have more royal and noble heritage than I know what to do with. No wonder the voldys kidnapped me, I was probably at ransom to more than a few people.

I know a few of my relations extend to European royalty and nobility, as well as old kingdoms and clans. I also know that some of my DNA goes back to a line of Egyptian pharaohs.

My ancestry is ridiculous at this point.

It's weird to think about, but then again, a God would usually have some form of noble blood in them during their Sim incarnations as a mark of their status.

And the more they have, the higher up the ladder they are.

Except the amount of ancestry I have puts me above the ladder.

Which is why nopeman has wanted me all this time - my ancestry is another one for his trophy cabinet.

I am not a trophy.

Nope. You certainly are not.

A street sign appears on the altar, the letters spelling 'Linden Way.'

HelĂ´, Elen.

Bore da, Lin.

I'll assume you're here to help me with my ancestry stuff?

I certainly am.


Her card, alongside Ceridwen's, came up in my reading yesterday.

Could you look through the registry for missing children in Wales?

I can do you one better. I can get you to the city and from there, we can access the local directories for our family tree. 

You can do that?

I have my ways.

Now you're clowning me.

Where's the fun without clowning?


I'm glad she's helping me move to North Wales. I was meant to move for uni this year, but I didn't get to in the end, as I didn't have the money to travel.

Could you get me a place I can keep for a while?

I can. I know of a few places up your alley money wise, too.

Diolch. Genuinely.

Wrth gwrs. You're my cousin.

I put a silver compass ring on the offering altar, and it asports.

I hope this can guide you as well as it has guided me.

Diolch. I'll be doing everything I can, along with Ceridwen, to get everything you need.

Don't overwork yourselves!

We won't! ;)

Take care, cousin.


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