45 - A God, Discerning


I couldn't go to the GP today.

My flu symptoms decided that they're here to stay, so my top priority is taking care of myself physically, something that the voldys never let me do.

Right now, I'm snuggling under my throw, with Nyx and Erebus at my side. They've just been fed, so they'll be good for a while.

I think I just fell asleep for a few hours, but I needed the sleep.

I'll have to take some more medicine soon.

Hopefully my method of improving my symptoms will continue to work.

I get up to feed Nyx and Erebus again, filling their bowls with food.

That much should be enough before they both fall asleep. That is, if they haven't already slept.

I had a really weird dream just now.

I remember quite specifically picking up two pieces of jewellery from the floor on a platform in a train station. Earrings, but not the same kind. I also think I took my hoop earrings out. Neither of these things are good signs, given what I had to do last year with my jewellery.

Let's put it this way: I would rather not become a cult machine again.

I do know that I managed to get away from the voldys in that dream though, so it can't be all bad.

I remember the pieces of jewellery I dropped were initially mine. I can only assume that I dropped them to remind myself of where I'd gone. I shouldn't have put them back on, though. They needed physical and spiritual cleaning.

I know that I escaped the voldys using public transport, so maybe the dream was a clue into how to find my parents, but I won't know for sure unless I actually see evidence of that on the physical plane.

That may also mean that I was kidnapped from a train station, which would mean that it was easier to kidnap me, as I'd just then look like a difficult child if I made a fuss, and my real parents would look insane if they tried to get me back.

It would make sense, but I won't know for sure until I go to Wales. I know that much.

When I did the reading, both Ceridwen and Elen came up. Elen came up when I asked where I was born, and Ceridwen came up when I asked which pantheon to focus on to find my family.

I know there's a reason for it. Both of them come from Northern Wales, and that's where I'm going for uni next year.

From what I know, Ceridwen also lives in an area not too far away from where I'll be studying, so it'll be interesting for sure to see whether or not we'll meet.

Caernarfon and Bala are both points of interest for sure.

We'll see what happens.

For money, I'm actually considering becoming an extra for an agency.

Their agencies are in Bristol and Cardiff though, so it's unlikely I'll go there. I may try elsewhere, though.

Acting practise would be good for you.

A small cast iron cauldron lands softly on my altar in the nemeton.

Noswaith da, Ceridwen.

Noswaith da, dear cousin.

I'll assume that yourself and Elen are working on getting me to Wales already?

We are. If you keep going on this trajectory, you should be settled in by March.

That's great! 

As for money, you should be able to make quite a lot of it in acting and singing. Writing will come to you as you grow and take the course in university.

That makes sense somehow.

I'd say don't rush into anything just yet. Write as and when you can, and don't push it if you feel you can't do it.

Diolch, cousin.

Wrth gwrs. Don't do too much at once. Remember what your Taiwanese ancestors said.

I'll keep that in mind.

From behind a brick in the nemeton, I carefully pull out a small potion bottle filled with blue liquid. Then, I pick out a silver necklace with the triquetra symbol of our faith, similar to the one Sweeney gave me, and I leave both on the offering altar, along with a note.

Give the potion to Morfran.

Diolch in fawr. I mean it. You know about how many times that spell has gone wrong.

I do. It wasn't ever Gwion's entire fault, but Morfran should not have had to suffer, either.

It was all Rickmansworth's doing, to pit the boys against each other. The potion is supposed to enhance what is already there, correct?

Gwir. Morfran is already quite clever, so I feel it will help him reach his full potential.

Gwych. You take care of yourself now.

And you, cousin.

Ceridwen's presence fades, but I still feel her joy.

Let's hope that Morfran enjoys the potion's effects, too.


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