49 - A God, Fortunate
So myself and my system have figured out that I've been programmed to have an addiction to gambling.
At this point, it's not even funny any more.
One thing I do know is that the addiction has in part been set up by Maybury.
And I already know what kind of man he is.
The voldys, specifically mrs voldy's side, were also known to have gambling addictions.
Specifically the grandad that I liked who I grew up with, and mrs voldy.
That grandad spent a lot of his money betting on horses, whilst mrs voldy spent hers on the Euromillions.
Sound familiar?
I need to catch that out before it catches me out.
Luckily, my system is working on the software running the money department, as well as energy and employment, as it seems there has been a punishment sequence added for me not being within the cult or dependent on anybody from it.
I know that one eye put it there.
To stop me from gaining influence without their consent.
I don't need anyone's consent to be a God.
It's weird, given the fact that I'd always wanted to earn my own keep and live on my own.
I've never felt that anything outright handed to me was worth it without me earning it in some way.
I know that there are some exceptions, such as food and clothing, that are worth it whether you earned them or not.
The bare essentials are worth it, so long as they aren't bugged. Spiritual senses are important within situations like that, in case those people try to force a karmic debt onto you.
Self care, for me, has become exciting, yet also anxiety inducing.
Things so simple as taking a bath or taking a walk outside have become strenuous as a result of this.
Maybe that's why I'd held onto hope that I could win money from a scratchcard.
The money I'd win would allow me to live life with as little stress as possible, if used correctly.
I'm fortunate now that I haven't placed all of my trust into winning anything, though.
For now, I'll keep away from gambling just to see whether or not my fortune will change.
That is responsibility.
Vesunna is my cousin, and Gaulish Goddess of luck, fortune and money, among other things, like fertility.
What brings you here?
Helping with that gambling addiction nonsense. Someone ought to.
She's always been good at sensing that kind of thing and nipping it in the bud.
Trugarez, I appreciate that.
Well, it sounds like it's been a drain on your resources. It would have been either Tyche or Ploutos if not me, and I haven't visited yet, so I thought I ought to.
It's nice of her.
So, does my luck look like it's going to change?
For certain - in the best way possible. But you need to let your system deal with the Luck Department, too, as it's majorly lacking.
Usually that kind of lack would be because either one of two things:
1. To conceal identity.
2. To inhibit someone from gaining influence.
Now, for me it's very possible that my luck is like this as a result of both things, but I wouldn't see the need to hide my identity now, especially given that I've already been caught several times.
This is probably a part of the programming. In which case, I have a few people I can ask for help.
You do have a few people, which is good. But it may take a while to fix.
How long are you thinking?
Two or three days.
That should be enough time to sort anything out that may come up money or luck wise.
Have you found Shuhallah yet?
Not that I know of. Luck Department?
Yes. You'll want to speak to her, as your section luck wise is probably decrepid, given how long it's been left either unattended or has been trashed for.
Good point. I'll see if I can find her.
Brilliant. I want to give something to you.
A small sewable patch appears on my nemeton. Upon closer inspection, I realise it's a four leaf clover.
Keep the faith, cousin.
In return, I sift through my patches for a symbol I can give, and I find a lightning bolt within my collection of offerings. I leave it on the nemeton beside her statue, and it asports.
You too.
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