54 - A God, Owning


I have claimed Brighton.

This will be fun to explain.

It turns out that Brighton was initially settled by our people, so technically the ancestral spirits who reside there who are actually native to the area would be Brythonic.

Which meant that I could stake a claim to the area.

If it works, it's now mine. If not, then it's probably fine anyway.

But I'm glad I got ahead of it this time, because I could.

There is a possibility that it's owned by one of my family members, if not me, but I highly doubt that.

It has literally been listed as the UK's most 'godless' city. 


Not any more.

My thought is that Rickmansworth intended to lure me there as a way of getting me back into the cult fold, but he seems to have forgotten the detail about my ancestry.

Having that amount of spiritual gunk in your head will do that.

A place being godless, from what I know, is supposed to prevent any Gods in that area from using their powers.

Well fat chance of that happening, given that my ancestry follows there and I've staked a claim.

It could very well be a trap, but I think I've seen most of what his intentions were, so if there is anything else, I'll likely be able to sidestep it.

If not, then I can always check for early warning signs. It's not my plan to stay there for very long, anyway. That is, if I even move there in the first place.

There are a few places I could also move to, including potentially a place in Hammersmith, but it all depends on what I need most, and where I'll end up with my money and arrears still being subject to speculation.

Either way, this means that if I move to or even visit Brighton, I can ensure my own spiritual safety without doing too much.

But it makes that move safe enough that I'm not stuck between a rock and a hard place all over again.

Hammersmith is also known to be a cult area, and whilst I had a good feeling about it, especially given that there were a few synchronicities around it surrounding my system name and whatnot, it could very well have also been a trap. That, and the housing association seem to be pushing me towards Brighton, so even if it's not where I end up, I can make the best of my options without being too concerned about my safety.

It feels like I'm starting to own this era of my life.

Before, now that I think about it, I was never allowed to own anything without the voldys' permission. Whereas now, I don't have to ask permission to do or own almost anything.

I feel, somehow, that I'm going to be ok now that I've claimed Brighton.

It's a guarantee that I can choose to move to somewhere I already own, as opposed to worrying about what will happen if I don't find a safe place to move to.

I just had a very funny vision of Rickmansworth and one eye being sent to the very edge of the Earth.

If it happens, I will be very content.

As I sit, I realise how jovial I am in comparison to a few mornings ago.

In spite of all the hardships I face now, I can still laugh, somehow.

I know what it means.

It means that I can be happy, that I can get to whatever goals I want to now.

Even with the fear, I want to enjoy what I've got.

And I will continue to do so.

Thinking about this, I turn to see a statue of a starling appear on my nemeton.


When I look closer, I spot that she's left a note.


Good luck with taking down Rickmansworth and reclaiming Greenwich. I wanted you to know that if you ever need mine or my brother's help, that we're always here - whether it's money, protection, a safe house, whatever you need. 

We look forward to hosting you in Wales, if we ever get to, and to see you flourish, and our family happy as we once were, once again.

Keep safe,

- Brânwen"

I put the starling statue on the offering altar, alongside a fire opal pendant, which asports.

Diolch, cousin.


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