57 - A God, On The Mend


I feel so much better than I have in a long time.

I was actually able to make ramyeon for breakfast without panicking, which is always a plus.

I'm also starting a new automated dropshipping business, which I'm really excited about.

If I get good business, then I may very well be able to move wherever I want to.

For now though, I'm just going to set up my business and see what happens.

Whatever happens, I'm going to enjoy building up my enterprise.

The other thing about that is that at some point, no matter where they go, those who have abused me won't be able to stop seeing or hearing about me.

Just imagining their outrage at my success and not being able to reap the benefits of any of it sparks so much joy.

I just watched Up on my own for the first time.

Not being around abusive people has actually helped me be able to appreciate art, especially music and movies, a lot more than I used to. Cinema Therapy has also helped with this, which I appreciate.

It made me realise that it's important not to stake my life upon proving a point.

Charles Muntz is a very good example of what can happen if that goes horribly wrong. 

It's also a major lesson about holding onto things that no longer serve your highest good, as well as knowing when to move on.

Carl is a great example of that kind of thing, given his age and situation.

It's a huge lesson on grief and moving on, and how letting others help you, as well as working as a team, can be to your benefit, if you're open to it.

That is something I've struggled with quite a bit since the voldys always insisted that I was unfit to be independent. I myself have staked my life on proving a point - that I can be independent. But I've been alone - and to be independent is not to be alone, but to know which people you can count on when for what.

It is to know when not to be alone, and when you can be, if you wish to be.

Besides, it's not like the voldys had a particularly good guide to being independent anyway.

Most of what they implemented was led by abuse, and sometimes theft.

So no matter what I do, it's unlikely that I would ever live up to their expectations anyway.

I've let them go. For now, at least.

As I think this, a purple scarf covered in stars appears on my altar in the nemeton.

Upon closer gaze, I observe a note swaddled in the fabric.

"Dear Tavi,

I thought this might either keep you warm, style your hair or both. Either way, I know it would connect you well to your Romani ancestry. 

Do not forget where you came from. Rest on it for now, as it is not your top priority, but keep it in mind. And whenever you need me, I am always just one star away.

Your cousin,

- Asteria"


If some of you don't know already, Asteria is the Greek Goddess of Stars, astronomy, astrology and cartography (the making of maps). My cousin, and the mother of Hekate, she's always been the sort to be incredibly supportive.

Of course. It would be rude of me not to be.

Ah, kali mera!

I just wanted to drop by to tell you that if you keep consistent with your self care routine, that you will do very well. With regards to food, you're already doing splendidly, so that's a good start.

She's right. I've already significantly improved within the last three days.

Thank you for noticing. I appreciate it.

You're welcome.

I also wanted to tell you that Rickmansworth will fall to you.

I'm surprised that she even brought him up, given how much she hates him, but if she is, then it usually comes with good news.

Stay on this trajectory and get influence. You're already doing it. Money won't be tight for much longer.

I remember now, that she taught Apollo and Artemis, alongside others like their mother, Leto, the art of prophecy. 

I was taught very similarly, but more by time Gods than anyone else, as they tend to have a better read on the energy of time in general, and so can make better predictions. 

But Asteria's always tend to be somewhat accurate, because she's looking at the placements of stars, past, present and future.

You're sure?

Positive. Get any better and the cult will lose it, probably starting with bin boy. Not that he'll be able to do anything about it, as the other Gods that are more near his neck of the woods have a restraining order in place to keep him from going anywhere near you.

I hadn't realised that anyone had done that.

Partly Shiva, partly some other people, including Nyx and Nemesis, who he tried talking to the fake versions of for 'recompense'. 

Dear Gods.

Not going to happen. He has his karma set waiting for him and he keeps adding to his tally. That's his own fault.

Well I'm glad to hear it. The last thing I need is any of his nonsense.

And you won't be getting any. But he sure as hell will.

I can't help but smile. I have honestly been ruminating on the whole situation that he put me in, because it was stressful, and there are times when I vent out loud to myself about him and his bullshit, because even now, he hasn't been sent out, despite there being enough proof that he absolutely should be moved, as he is a threat to other service users' wellbeing, and not just mine, either.

Don't worry. You won't need to go through, see or do anything. All you'll have to do is watch time pass by, and truths be revealed. Nothing more.

So I'm in the clear now?

You are in the clear. Relax for today.

Trugarez, cousin.

Of course. You can call on me any time.

I reach into my offerings box and find a grey scarf covered in lightning bolts, and place it on the offering altar.

Keep warm, cousin. Or stylish. Whichever one suits your fancy.

Thank you, my dear. Stay safe, and stay well.

You too.


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