59 - A God, Elevating


I had a slightly uncomfortable dream last night.

I saw an old 'friend' from secondary school who had once confessed to having a crush on me.

Me being me, I was always sort of unobtainable, so I think a lot of the boys at school wanted to be able to say that they'd dated me.

Maybe I'm more of a catch than I think I am.

But this was different. I knew I shouldn't have said I wanted to go with him.

But I did.

Then I got into the back of his car.

He then mentioned to his friend (who I didn't actually see the face of) that he didn't want anyone else to see that I was pretty but him.

He's the same as the rest of them.

I suppose I should have expected it, given that he was one of the three boys at school who molested two of the popular girls in my year, who I was well acquainted with.

We're still in contact now, barely.

I actually stopped hanging out with that boy because of what he did.

I made my position very clear.

I guess it hits harder now because I know I've been sexually assaulted too.

I am not an object.

And I'm not going anywhere with you.

Nor will you ever have to.

Oh, hey Eros.

Καλή σπέρα. (Kali spéra.)

Eros is my cousin through being Aphrodite's son, and we all used to work in the Love and Sex departments together at one point. It's weird to think about now, given everything that I've been through, but I used to get around quite a bit.

What brings you here?

A small silver heart shaped locket appears on the altar in my nemeton.

One of your many lovers wanted to say hi.

I pick up the locket, and check the inscription. It's written in Traditional Mandarin.

How did you get this?

Summoning. She wanted to see you but can't leave. So she figured that a present would be enough to get your attention.

That makes sense. It's most likely that she figured a family member would have an easier time getting to me than her or any of her own envoys, and she didn't want to send it over without explanation.

I pick out a rose gold timepiece, inscribing the back in Gaulish and Greek, respectively, followed by a small note in Cantonese. Then, I place it on the offering altar.

Is this ok?

It should be.




And tell her that I love her.

She knows, Tavi.

Is there anything I can do for you?

Front seats to Rickmansworth's demise, and if it happens, your wedding. Besides that, I'm all good.

Popcorn is complimentary.

You remember the joke!

I can hear him laughing on the other side of the connection.

Oh, and - she said not to worry about last night. It's his racism, not yours.

I know exactly what she's talking about, and honestly, I'd rather not talk about it.

But I would like to point out that projecting your own self hating racism onto someone who is blatantly anti-racist is not a vibe. Especially when you do that to someone spiritually, in their own system, where it is supposed to be safe.

I appreciate that. Tell her I got the green juice. ;)

Will do, Tavi.

And we both know you're not racist, so don't bother yourself about it.

He's the one who called you a 'privileged white bitch'. He had it coming.

He hasn't the foggiest how unprivileged I've been.

Exactly. He can fuck off with that nonsense.

I sigh in relief.

Keep safe, Tavi.

And you, cousin.


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