61 - A God, Ameliorating


I've been praying since last night that I can find a way out of here.

I know it may take longer than I would like, but I need to move out of here as soon as possible, for the sake of my own safety.

Luckily for me, I don't have a Universal Credit appointment today.

Which means I don't have to worry about going out or answering my phone, really.

I will have to call the GP tomorrow, though.

My mental health in relation to going out, despite me loving going out, has not been all that brilliant recently.

I'll have to find some way of getting myself to do it anyway. 

There are a few places that I enjoy going to, and Christmas in those places tend to have lovely decorations, so if I go, it might help me to reconcile it with myself.

I'm trying to think of which one would make me happier, but given that last time I was in either of those places that I was vegan, I can't say.

I think I'd enjoy it anyway. Heck, I'd probably enjoy it even more.

I'm actually considering going to the cinema to watch something.

Maybe Wakanda Forever. But I'll see what's on.

This all depends on whether or not I can get out of the door without having a panic attack, though.

This is supposed to be something nice, not strenuous.

I hear magpies outside my window again, and smile.


We actually have two maintenance workers for water in our house right now.

It's weird to think about.

I don't know what they're doing, but I hope that whatever it is, they get it done quickly.

I should have mentioned the second floor bathroom. It's a mess plumbing wise, aside from the toilet.

I want to sleep for a long time.

I know. But it's not healthy for you.

Oh, hi Grammi.

Rhea, as some of you know, is my grandmother's mother, and the Goddess of mountains, childbirth and wildlife, among other things. She's always been a fierce protector of our family, and a wise advisor when the need arose.

What brings you here?

Many things. Rickmansworth, some of the spiritual vitriol you've been facing, moving out...

I wanted to let you know a few things.

Ok, go on.

Firstly, your place in Gwynedd in September has already been guaranteed, as has a temporary place in Brighton.

Brilliant, thank you.

Of course. Second, we've got someone keeping a permanent tab on Rickmansworth and Maybury. This will make things easier for us to take them down.

Wow, you're doing my job for me.

Nonsense. Support to do anything is a given from our pantheon. Never forget that.

Thanks, Grammi.

So thirdly, you're being watched, by both us and the enemy. Don't worry, the enemy is being dealt with as we speak.

Phew, thanks again.

Lastly, we will be helping you find your mother. It probably won't take long, but we wanted you to know that with her consent, and with yours, that we're gradually bringing the two of you closer.


Yes, Maman.

I feel like I'm going to cry.

I have the best family.

Hey, we aren't perfect, but we aim for the best we can possibly get.

I still think you're the best.

Well, thank you.

Take care of yourself, eat well, potentially sleep well, and I'll see you again soon.

A small magpie plushie apports onto my altar in the nemeton.

Thought you might want to hug a plushie that wasn't dedicated to anxiety or sadness.

Thank you. I love you.

I leave a gold wire bracelet with a quartz crystal wrapped within it on the offering altar, and watch it asport.

I love you too, Meda. And you have impeccable taste.

Keep safe for me.

And you, Grammi.


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