62 - A God, Manifesting


Everything seems to be working out well for me today.

I overslept, and my caseworker ended up being not only late, but having to cancel because of an emergency at another house.

I was fast asleep when they were originally supposed to see me, so I'm relieved that I didn't miss anything.

It's like things deliberately made way for me.

I'm lucky, in a way, that I got into manifestation so early.

I didn't realise when I first got into it how much it would impact my mental health.

Manifestation helped me to learn how to love myself.

The irony is, when I did begin to love myself, I found myself seeking better treatment than what the voldys gave me.

They thought seeing me happy would mean 'easy to deal with' but Gods they were so wrong.

They didn't want me to be happy, they wanted me to seem happy so that they didn't have to deal with their own bullshit.

Essentially, they didn't want to take accountability for their actions, and if I was 'happy', then they didn't have to.

It's a technique that a lot of abusers and narcissists use, I realise.

It allows them to ignore the body language and obvious etiquette they're going against by pointing to the person's lack of emotional or verbal reaction. So when that person finally does react, they can gaslight them into oblivion.

Which is exactly what both the voldys and bin boy did.

I'm glad that I chose to stand up for my happiness and peace against those people.

They don't deserve to make me unhappy.

And they won't do so again.

I'm manifesting my way to better days.

And I'm almost there.

Allo, friend!

Hey, it's Frédérique!

Frédérique is a good friend of mine from back when I lived in Bordeaux. He himself is actually a God, but he prefers to keep his real name a mystery.

I know it, but out of respect for him (unless he gives me permission), I won't share it here just yet.

Merci, mon ami.

De rien. What brings you here, dude?

Rickmansworth, your Frenchness, moving out, ramen... You get the gist, I think.

Almost everyone I've seen within the past few weeks has wanted to help deal with Rickmansworth. It's quite nice, actually.

It's not exactly surprising, though. The man is a connard.

Vrai. Très vrai.

I want to help in whatever ways I can, Tavi. Just say the word.


I need help with a few things.

The laptop I can do - I know it can help take Rickmansworth down, too.

In what way?

Spreading the word. He's not going to like it, but now you've essentially locked him out of most systems that run the Sim, there's not much he can do about it. Unless you count crying like a baby.

If your contacts in Brussels can get me one, I'd really appreciate it.

Of course, mon ami! They love you!

Hang on, I think I just got an order from somebody.

On Etsy?


It seems that your manifesting stuff is working. You could probably use it to move, too.

It does indeed. And I can.

Before you inevitably get busy, I wanted to tell you that your French family here know about you and miss you. Do you want to leave them a message?

Mar plij.

Chouette! Go for it.

Salut, demat. I miss you, karout a ran ac'hanout. Mar plij, be safe. I'll find you.

Beau. Take care of yourself now. It's cold out there.

A lovely black winter coat, from what looks like Zara, appears on my altar in the nemeton.

Trugarez, mais qu'est-ce que veux tu?

Tu sais qu'est-ce que je veux.

Ya, I think I do. I boil the kettle, pour some water into a large bowl of noodles, adding seasoning and other nutrition as I go along. Once I'm done, I place it on the offering altar, and it asports.

Be careful, it's hot! And keep warm, mon ami!

You too, Tavi!

And with that, he's gone. I smile.

Time to cement my place on this Sim again.


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