63 - A God, Enterprising
I haven't properly started on the process for my customer on my Etsy shop yet, but I will.
Once they pay, that is.
But of course, that all depends on what their spirit guides tell me is the best course of action for them.
If it ends up that they could use my help, then I'll do it. If not, then I won't.
It really sounds like this person has a gambling addiction though, which may mean that they'll need to go to someone else for spiritual cleansing or rehab first.
If that's the case, then I won't be able to help them until they do that.
It's enough that I've already had to avoid gambling myself as a result of this exact kind of desperation, let alone having to also serve a customer with that exact problem.
Either way, they'll have to wait for me to do a reading for them first. Then, depending on whether or not I can do the spell for them and the energy, they'll have to either get healing first, or pay.
I don't work for free.
Life has also been a bit strange as of last night as well, as someone keeps leaving the tap on in the first floor toilet.
As a result, it's been leaking into my kitchen ceiling.
And has almost flooded it. Twice.
Now, I wouldn't be surprised at all if bin boy had something to do with all this, but given that I'm not entirely sure whether or not he's even in, I can't say.
All I know is that someone has done this more than once.
Or, more over, that this has been done more than once, despite polite requests for it to stop.
Each time I've gone in there to figure out where the leak has come from, someone's left a tap on.
Every. Time.
At least I know where to look now.
Even if it is a bit annoying.
It is kind of annoying, honestly. People need to have more respect for water these days.
Hi. ;)
Scylla is a good friend of mine, and is one of the Heads Of Security in the Greek pantheon. A lot of people have made her out to be a monster, when she's really dóngmâl, like myself.
For context, being dóngmâl means to have a sex and gender that relies upon the hormones that give us the ability to shapeshift. Most people do not experience this, but myself and Scylla do, and as a result, we've been especially demonised by Rickmansworth and his goons.
Essentially, we need to shapeshift, or we can get very sick, or worse, die. That was part of why I had to hide some Sim programming from Rickmansworth - to ensure that myself and others didn't die. Unfortunately, I haven't yet been able to reconfigure everything. But I will.
I've also been a part of the Water Department for longer than most people have been alive. So to see people waste that much water is kind of insulting.
I know what you mean - it's asinine.
Especially after all the droughts that happened this summer. You'd think that people would have some respect. But that's not all I'm here for.
What brings you here, then?
I want to help temporarily bring the Sim under your control until we can find someone else who can rule that we can trust enough not to try and kill us all again.
That, and help you move out.
Scylla, I love you, and you're a genius. I've actually had a few visions about that sort of thing.
You think you could make it happen?
If I'm seeing it, I probably can.
Awesome. I have a tidbit for you.
You can use that leaking ceiling as proof that it isn't safe for you to live here any more. It'll mean that you'll have to be moved elsewhere, and potentially, so will everybody else.
Houses for Gwynedd will come up fast, so don't hesitate to take one if it's near enough to a train station that you can access Bangor from.
Thank you so much. I mean it.
Of course. You're my cousin. You're family. As if I'd leave you in the dust. Save me some pumpkin pie, ok?
Ok. You keep safe!
And you! Don't stay up too late!
I won't!
I leave a slice of pumpkin pie in a box, and some blue Fanta on the offering altar in the nemeton, and it asports.
When I turn around, I notice that in return, I've been left an amaretto mocha, along with some black forest gateaux.
"Keep warm, bestie.
- Scylla"
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