64 - A God, Loud


I think we figured out something huge about some remaining programming in system.

And I managed to reconfigure the entire thing.

We were running on the wrong languages, and I had to essentially do a whole reboot of everything, because some of the imagery coming out was utterly disgusting.

I'd rather not have to revisit that.

Also, I finally dealt with bin boy once and for all.

And if he hasn't felt the effects of that already, he will.

I'm actually feeling really tired today.

I was trying to stay up late to eat the remainders of my Five Guys takeout, but in the end, I chose to sleep, as I was exhausted as it was.

It's weird, because despite having not gone out in more than a month, I get tired by doing some of the simplest things.

Probably a sign that I need to get out more, depending on how much I can deal with before I trigger a panic attack.

On Tuesday, we're meant to be having a house meeting.

Given that I dealt with bin boy, and that I said I'd be there, I think it's unlikely that he'll show up. But let's not jinx it.

Paying my rent should put me in good stead with the association until Housing Benefit agree to pay the proper amount.

My payments are usually scheduled for much earlier in the month, but realistically, they probably shouldn't be.

Really, I should pay as and when I can because of when my benefits come in, but I set up a standing order for consistency.

Because at some point I was bound to forget.

At least I have that to fall back on when I need it.

More often than not, I end up paying much later than I intended.

Weirdly, I actually feel very comfortable now.

Now that I've woken up, I feel a bit better.

I've been waking up in the afternoons a lot recently.

I need to put a stop to that before Monday.

Besides all of that, I'm pretty good.

I can't wait to move, and all seems to be going well on the laptop front, so I'm very much in a good mood right now.

And you'll get everything you want. :)


If you don't already know who she is, Eutychia is Tyche's younger sister. Most people conflate them, as Tyche is associated with good luck, but it's mainly Eutychia and Nemesis who deal with good and bad karma. Tyche is essentially the intermediary force between them to ensure that everything runs smoothly and according to the actions of those involved.

What brings you here? You hate the cold.

My love for my cousin outdoes my hate for the cold. I wanted to say that you'll get the go ahead to move soon - to Gwynedd, for sure. Give it about two or three weeks, but you'll find the property you're looking for next week with your caseworker.

Thank you so much!

Of course! You deserve to be happy, and to feel safe wherever you go. Don't doubt that, Lin.

Anything else?

The laptop should come next week.


I pulled a few strings to get that, but Hermes says it's fine. ;)

I've said it once and I'll say it again: I have the best family.

Aww, you're making me blush.

I put a blush palette on the offering altar and it asports. As she takes in the offering, she laughs.

You're something else, you know that?

Ah, so you see what my husband sees?

She laughs harder.

Stop! (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)

Lol, alright. In all seriousness though, I love every single one of you.

And we all love you right back! Take care of yourself, Tavi.

And you, cousin. 


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