66 - A God, Undergoing Maintenance


I don't know how I'm still awake, but I am.

I want the snow back.

Recently it's been getting too warm again, so I'd like to see a proper winter.

Either way, I think this holiday will be fun.

I'm meant to be having a house meeting today with the other residents (well, some of them). 

I doubt that bin boy will show up if I do.

I actually found a subliminal that really helped with some of my anxiety.

Their whole channel gives me vibes of 'this will work', and I love it.

I feel like subliminals are like prescription medicine doses, in a way.

Some formulae may work for others but not you, and some may work to varying degrees, depending on what affects you most. And sometimes, it won't always be what you make that works best for you.

Tomorrow I'm meant to be getting my ready meals.

I'm genuinely excited for those.

It'll mean that I won't have to think too hard about feeding myself for a while.

Which, right now, is what I need to be able to do what I want to.

For once, I actually feel weirdly safe.

It's like being wrapped in one of those towels people sometimes use to swaddle their little pet birds to help them sleep. I keep getting images coming to mind of java finch rolls, and it makes me grin from ear to ear.

We had the house meeting about two hours ago.

It was actually alright, aside from a slight argument, surprisingly, with my nice neighbour, about me using the sinks for laundry (I don't use the downstairs toilet's sink for that, and I haven't used his bathroom's one for that in a while either, but I'm not saying I never did...), but that quickly got dispelled. (He doesn't tend to be petty, though it's also weird that he never discussed that with me if he believed that I was responsible. Then again, if it was something that really bothered him, I would think that he'd have already told me.)

I also got told to take the knives off my floor.

They're going right back where they belong before I make my ramyeon.

I keep the knives near me in case of danger.

Not that most people would understand that, so I had to put them on the desk.

I just ate the packet of Hokkaido milk crisps I got from my Bokksu subscription.

They tasted amazing.

I'm actually in quite a good mood, despite those few things niggling at me.

I'm probably a bit sensitive as I'm essentially a God undergoing maintenance for my brain right now. It doesn't help that Galop has basically cut off my support because I was unable to engage.

In the end, it kind of is on me, but I need to recover, first and foremost, both from the horrible things done to me here and the horrible things done to me whilst I was with the voldys.

Come to think of it, the stuff I was assigned help for wasn't actually the stuff I needed help with, as my caseworker was already on it. The council have been hugely unhelpful too, but I will move out anyway, no matter how difficult that may be.

And we will help.


Yup. Good evening, kid.

I'm surprised to see him here, but it's a pleasant surprise.

What brings you here, Papu?

I bring change.

He hands me a note, written in Ancient Greek, followed by what looks like Gaulish script.

"We who see the corruption on this Sim do bring about Article 39, that which is 'Permission To Revolt' into action, starting today, 20/12/2022. All who sign agree to the article being put into effect immediately.

Sion Enterprises"

Neither of us need to say anything. He indicates to a specific section of the paper, which further reads:

"All command and management goes to the following who remains an undisputed God, the only one who remains:

Litavis Dethmonias"

When was the last time I saw my real surname? I honestly can't remember.

It has been a while. If you need to think upon it, then feel free to take as much time as you need.

I shake my head.

No need.

Rifling through my stationery, I find a pen, and sign along the line as neatly as possible.

I'll assume you already know who to send it to.

The Galactic Simulation Society will bring it to the Multiversal Law Union.  If it doesn't get intercepted, which I have already made preparations for, they should come to you first.


I leave a silver pocket watch encrusted with rubies on the offering altar in the nemeton, and it asports.

Use this if you need an escape.

Thank you, my dear.

A small plushie of a chaffinch appears on my altar.

He knows and he misses you, too.

Things will get into motion soon, so get ready.

I will. Take care of yourself.

And you, Tavi.


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