67 - A God, Praying


It's about ten to six in the morning.

I don't think I've ever felt like this at such a time in my life.

This desperation fills my every waking hour, and now I'm not sure what I can do about it.

I started praying, and then, I started crying.

I spoke of a pain that I'd tried my best to bury.

Being here is not for my benefit any more.

Right now, I'm listening to The Raven That Refused To Sing by Steven Wilson, because it's somehow cleaning everything away that I no longer need.

I think this pain has mounted up as I've had no one to speak to.

It's ironic, a God praying at their own altar, for their own salvation.

Honestly, it's a sad picture.

Part of this is probably because of how my neighbour treated me yesterday.

Overall he's not a bad person, but I was caught majorly offguard.

I'll be honest, it kind of hurt.

We had been friends before this point, so I would've thought that he'd have told me, instead of blaming me for all instances of the sinks being blocked (I know I'm not the only one who uses them.), especially in front of multiple other people in a meeting.

It seems like everyone just wants me to crawl into a hole and not make any noise ever again.

Wow, when did I get so 'woe is me'?

I suppose it doesn't help that I have no social life outside of the internet and my household, and I'm an extrovert.

This whole isolation thing has not helped me, and I think I may well have reached my breaking point.

I think I know who I need to speak to.


She's literally the expert of the family. If there's anyone out there that could help me solve my problems, it's her.

I can help!

Oh, hello!

I wasn't expecting such a sudden response, but it can only be a good thing.

You lit the candles and prayed today, right?

Yes. And I think my prayers were partially answered.

Ah, yes! The order you received. You brought it out in good time, as well.

I didn't expect business to be part of the solution to my problems, but there we go.

Can I ask what the deal with that is?

Business will bring people. Said people can become friends. I mean, you just met a spirit today who has become your friend, right?

That is true. She is technically a client's spirit guide, but she's chosen to help me with my situation as well.

I would like some friends that I can communicate with that I can properly interact with as well, though this kind of friendship is valid.

I get you. Wherever you go, we can arrange that. You asked to move to Gwynedd, right?


Then me and your new friend can scour the area for people who would befit your personality and needs, and we can go from there.

Thank you so much.

Of course! You're my cousin. I'll always be here for you.

We hug, and I present her with a silver compass pendant encrusted with diamonds.

In case you get lost.

She responds by passing me a rather large ruby and silver ring.

For happiness, love and a good conversation starter.

We both smile at each other.

Keep safe, Phil.

And you, Tavi.


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