68 - A God, Progressing


Today I'm writing the blog a lot later than I would have liked.

But in a way, it's a good thing.

It means that I can talk about what happened today in great detail.

Though there's nothing like writing the blog in the morning.

Anyway, today saw me and my caseworker manage to register interest in some properties.

Quite a few, actually, in places that would make me happy, and would be close enough to university when the time came that I'd be able to go.

Realistically, I need to get out of here before the new neighbour moves into Room 2.

I don't know for sure if that will happen or when, but I hope it does.

The last thing I need is another dispute with a neighbour.

I actually spoke to Nishat about the situation with my nice neighbour, and they seemed to take it as him teasing me more than anything else. So I would think that I'm in the clear for the most part with everyone aside from bin boy, who we know likes to chat shit anyway, whether he's right or wrong.

I'm honestly excited to finally leave.

I was meant to leave a year ago, but a lot of stuff got in the way, so I'm still here.

If I get lucky, I may be able to leave early in the New Year.

Really, that's the best case scenario.

On another note, I have a new idea for my subliminals.

I want to make essences of specific Gods and creatures.

I'll have to be careful of which ones, though.

I have an incredibly stupid idea involving the nopehorse. I'm feeling very mischevious and I don't know if doing it would be safe or would land me in hot water. But it would make me laugh.

Try not to get yourself in too much trouble this time.


I haven't heard from her in ages, so this is a welcome surprise. 

What brings you here? I would've thought I'd have seen you on Samhain.

It is uncharacteristic of her to not have been there this year.

Preparations to bring down rickmansworth, and to elevate all of us.

She winks. I know where this is going.

The essences?

The essences.

I wasn't sure she'd be massively into it, but witchcraft and communicating with spirits is her domain as much as it is mine, so I shouldn't be surprised at this point.

You know what to do.

If I do make the nopehorse essence, even as a joke, it may very well actually be to my benefit, and other people's, even if it does cause a bit of chaos once it's put out there.

You can control the output of that, Medi. I know you, you're smart.

She's right. There's a reason that I'm a God of sovereignity - because I know how to moderate what I use and what I make, and do my best to assess the possible consequences of both mine and other people's actions in any given situation. I also listen to people about those things, as it's important to get multiple perspectives before making any impactful decision.

Do you think my way of doing things with regards to that would be good?

I think it would definitely help, especially if you're starting with the Gaulish Gods, who are almost all but forgotten.

That all depends on what you'd like to start with, though.

I already also have the Latvian spirits and Albanian faeries in mind, but I want to do more research and have some conversations with those spirits before I get started on anything like that.

Very wise of you. 

What about your own essence?

I'll have to list everything about me, and try my best not to make it too much about propaganda. Thing is, my powers are so vast that because of the Wikipedia articles and limited research done on me, I might also be accused of lying. So I have to be careful.

You're a small channel now, though. If you do yours first, you could potentially get away with it before anyone figures it out, or it could even result in what's known of you being changed or researched in further depth.

That's true. If I make mine, it can also be a blueprint for everyone else's to be done well, which has always been my job anyway.

Exactly. You're brilliant at this.

I can't help but beam. Hekate has always been supportive of me, especially when I've been at my worst. Her compliments have gotten me through a lot of this.

I really appreciate you, cousin.

And I you. Now please, eat something. 

On the altar in my nemeton, a linden wand encrusted with larimar and tanzanite apports.

For your summoning. Keep well, Medi.

I fish out an enchanted silver pentacle, and leave it on the offering altar. It asports.

A boon to protect you, magnify your powers and lead you to happiness of all kinds. You keep well too, cousin.


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