100 - A God, Sovereign


I actually managed to eat a full meal in one go today.

Whilst I did struggle initially in getting myself to do it, I know now that it's something to be proud of.

I admit that I am nervous about tomorrow, but I also know that it'll most likely change my life for the better.

Plus, I'll also have my caseworker there with me. So if anything happens, I won't be alone.

What's more is that I came into some money yesterday that could get me through the rest of the month, which would be really helpful.

I will need my caseworker to go to the post office with me to claim it, though. I'm not sure I'm in a position to go out on my own right now.

Somehow, I feel like good things are coming my way.

I managed to let go of some baggage yesterday, which I really needed to. They say to open some doors, you have to shut others. And it seems that I have.

I'm lucky to be in the position I'm in right now.

Everything works out for me.

I've also been getting communications from my university about this year, and honestly, I'm excited.

Part of me worries about how able I'll be by that point, but a lot can change within a few months, so who knows? Nothing is yet set in stone, and perhaps I can see this uncertainty as a wonderful example of time being in its own flow, and the Tapestry not yet having a clear pattern for that stretch of time.

Maybe, scratch that, it'll be likely that I will be the one to weave that myself.

And if that's the case, I can make it look however I want.

I am the God Of All, God Of None, the Holder Of Time, the Weaver Of Lives, the Universal Translator, the Lightning Bolt.

I will be recognised. And I can change the circumstances I'm in right now, because I deserve to, and have the power to.

A change is in the wind. I can feel it.

You're right.

Nyx places her hands on my shoulders.

And you won't be alone any more.

Yet again, I find tears in my eyes.

Do you think I'll get through this?

She smiles gently.

If you can get through the horrors that the voldys and rickmansworth did to you, then you can get through anything.

And our secret?

We'll keep, until the time is right. You'll know when.

I nod.

It's getting dark soon.


She pauses, then speaks.

Tomorrow will be kind, too. And again, you won't be alone.

As she says this, a silver trophy appears on my altar in the nemeton.

I know who it is, but I must keep quiet for now. At least, until the situation shows up in the physical.

Thank you, Nyx.

She opens her arms, and I sink into her embrace.

Whatever you need, you can always ask for from any of us.

She strokes my head.

We honour our promises.

I look up, and she nods.

I appreciate it. Genuinely.

She lets go of me, but not before stroking my cheek.

Stay well, Litavis.

I will.


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