102 - A God, Assured


Something incredible is going to happen to me today. I can feel it.

I am relaxed in the faith that I will be rewarded.

It feels as though room has been made for something, as both my caseworker and my housing officer have cancelled their appointments with me.

Now that I've returned from a small interlude, I have more to add.

My housing officer rescheduled our appointment so I ended up speaking with them today, and it sounds like they're going to try to move me as soon as possible.

And given that I have more than one borough who is responsible for me, it makes sense that they would both be called on regardless of the situation.

I'm excited, honestly. We're getting somewhere.

Heck, I may end up finding out that I'll be moving very soon - and whilst it might surprise me, I know I'll be happy to move.

I even spoke about the potential support and kind of housing that I could get as a result, and I know that would genuinely help me.

When I do move, I want to make sure that I have plenty of people around me. And I'm sure I will.

There is an assurance I can sense now that everything is working out for me.

It feels strange to say, but I know it now.

A hand ruffles my hair, then places down what looks like a bubblegum milkshake on the table in front of me.

Enjoy, lad.

Manny then tosses my throw blanket at me, and I can't help but laugh.

Cheers, Manny!

He grins.

Of course!

He walks out into one of the study rooms as I wrap myself up, taking the milkshake in my hands for a taste.

Bubblegum and apple!

Mat eo din, best milkshake ever.

It reminds me of that time before I left when I went into the local square that was full of shops, and there was an ice cream van selling apple ice cream, which I really wanted to try. I tried it alongside bubblegum, which has always been my favourite, and the pairing worked really well.

It feels as though there's something more to remember there, something that it means spiritually, but I'm not quite sure what. 


Am I right in thinking that this flavour combination completely fucks with any and all kinds of programming? 

It also seems that it helps me mark the end and beginning of chapters in my life - when there is a need for something to end and for things to change, it's almost like a palate cleanser, but sweeter.

The last time I had these flavours together was the time in the square, which if I remember rightly, was the summer just before I left.

Given that I'm planning to move now...

This could change everything.

Back then, I was waiting for everything to change, to be able to find the opportunity to do things my way, though that didn't really happen.

My opportunities were limited to me taking a small sized rucksack and running away with whatever I could fit into it, and I didn't want to believe that it was the only way.

Once I opened my mind to the boundless opportunities I had back then, I got exactly what I needed at the time, which was a support network willing to get me out of there and into a better life.

It was amazing, until Covid struck.

Now it feels like I've come back to this energy again, and given the circumstances, it makes sense.

I learnt my lesson last time, so now, I'm making the conscious choice to be open to whatever comes to me, within reason.

Last time, I was all too open with taking this housing, as I was nearing the end of my stay with my rolling shelter, and only had one guaranteed night with another shelter. I was also extremely sick with the flu (possibly Covid), and definitely should have been in bed for a while (though in truth, because of the situation, I couldn't be).

This time, I will let my intuition lead my decisions, as opposed to desperation.

And we will help!

I turn, and in my line of vision stands a black clad, black haired fairy with light brown highlights and baby blue eyes.


She smiles.

It's wonderful to see you again, my Lord!

Anasol has been a great friend to me ever since I was kidnapped by rickmansworth from Penmarc'h. She was originally a slave in his sister's (mrs voldy's, at the time) service, until I freed her, as she warned me and Terrence that we were being watched due to my rapidly improving wellbeing. (Which was due to Terrence visiting me regularly in secret, as I was locked in a ten storey tower until I agreed to sleep with rickmansworth, which I downright refused to do.)

It's been so long! What brings you here?

As I said, I'm here to help you move. There are plenty of others in line who want to help too, if you'll accept their help.

Tapping into the energy of this scenario now, I realise that she's right. There are a lot of people who want to help me start again, including parts of my family and friends, and acquaintances, including and especially faery folk, who want to give me support right now.

Mat eo din. Piv?

Well, you have the fey you ran into during your escape to the Land Of Silver. You gave them more than you needed to when you crossed their circle, and you know that Brezhoneg faeries HATE having debts, even more so than I daresay the Gaeilge fey.

That's very much true, for several reasons:

1. They do not want to be indebted to people in general, as they'll never hear the end of it. Especially if it's a debt to someone who's non-fey.

2. Being in debt in general as an energy is not pleasant, but fey are especially sensitive to it.

3. Breizh as a country and kingdom in terms of ancestry isn't the same as it used to be, and so paying back to those who give to Brezhoneg faeries is important within the faery population over there. There's also the fact that if they stay in debt to someone for too long, especially if they're Brezhoneg, that they won't hear the end of it until they pay it back.

4. Brezhoneg culture has been stomped upon quite a bit, especially in recent years, and the remaining few Brezhoneg people, and therefore the fey that come with our culture, are very proud, and are doing their best to preserve said culture. Debts in Brezhoneg culture are to be paid, usually immediately. It's also one of the reasons why rickmansworth was a scumbag for selling my foster father out to get to me during my Penmarc'h life - his debt pile was huge, and it's considered extremely shameful if you cannot pay it off quickly. But it wasn't the same level as outright extorting a person to claim another person as yours - that is considered slavery, and therefore sacrilege. To have to pay with human life is a severe insult to both payee and the person becoming payment. But he also didn't fight for me, which is considered just as bad as the enslavement itself. So we end up back at square one.

One of the main core values we Brezhoneg people have as a society is accountability - we take responsibility for our words and actions with authenticity, and decency. We always pay our debts. It's also part of why I hate feeling like I owe anyone.

That was a long explanation.

I know.

She smirks.

But ya, everyone who you've helped, including them, want to help you find a new place. Are you open to receiving help?

I am.

She smiles.

Vat. Then we will begin.

She snaps her fingers, and she's gone.

In my heart, I feel warmth, and light. With the knowledge that everything's being sorted out for me, I smile.

I always get what I want. 


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