103 - A God, Adjusting


So I have a new neighbour in the room next to me.

Nobody told me that this person would be moving in, so I'm a little bit unsettled.

It sounds as though their situation was an emergency move though, so it's likely that they're in a similar situation to the one I was in when I first moved.

For now, it looks as though we'll both be adjusting.

Part of me is admittedly nervous, because it now means that I'll have to share a kitchen with this person.

But I'll only know what kind of a person they are once I actually have a conversation with them.

I'm sure we'll get along splendidly.

One of the other caseworkers did reassure me that this person was genuinely kind and polite by their experiences of them, so I'm probably in wonderful hands.

Given that I spoke to a housing officer yesterday, I'm pretty sure that I'll be getting news of a potential move soon.

I did tell her that I wanted it to be as soon as possible, so it's likely that as soon as a place is available for me, that I'll be notified.

I just spoke to one of the other caseworkers on duty today, and I've found a solution to the main problem.

Getting a grant to buy me my own fridge.

As I already have a microwave in my room, it makes sense that I would use it, right? It would also mean that I wouldn't have to use the kitchen nearly as frequently to ensure that I eat, which has been another part of the problem.

When I move, where I go will have everything in it be mine and mine alone, so I won't have a problem besides the potential executive dysfunction I encounter on a daily basis. I'll find a way to figure that out.

Right now, I have a banging headache, which I'm considering sleeping off.

Either that, or I'll ask for Hygeia's help. Frankly, I don't fancy being awake right now. Then again, me sleeping now will mean that I'll need to eat at strange hours. Maybe I ought to put some more thought into this.

Then again, I say this, yet I have not opened my microwave box since I got it more than three years ago, which is most definitely my fault.

All I'd have to do is take a meal from the fridge and cook it in my room, and presto! I have a meal to eat without too much effort.

Either way, the outcomes scare me. I may as well do what feels best for me.

And right now, that's minimising me leaving this room, and resting.

I feel a gentle hand on my head.

It'll go away soon. Get some rest, Tavi.

I know that voice, but I haven't heard it in a long time.


Rest, cousin.

She wraps the throw around me.

We can speak once you're better.

I nod, and she pats my shoulder.

You're always safe with us.

She walks out into the hall, presumably to speak with Rhiannon or Manny. I feel Erebus curl up beside me.

Trugarez, buddy.


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