115 - A God, Enduring


My period decided to start ten days early.

The entirety of last night and parts of today have been spent in pain.

I don't know if this sudden occurrence is due to stress, sickness or something else, though I do get the weird sense that it may relate to the libation I gave yesterday and today.

Given the circumstances surrounding said libation that I can't yet speak of, I wouldn't rule it out. Once I'm able to mention it on this blog, I will.

Some of the Hindu Goddesses, specifically Kali, Lakshmi, Parvati and Saraswati decided to visit today.

They seem to be worried about me and the fact that I look like the walking dead, which at this point, doesn't surprise me. My new neighbour said I looked pale, too, so I may very well need to see someone about it.

Either way, they're very insistent that I take some rest.

As is my Maman, who isn't happy with the timing of all of this, but figures it's better that it happens now than on the same day as my GP appointment.

You've eaten, Tavi, so it's probably best that you sleep now.

Parvati walks into the room, making sure to load the fireplace with logs, before moving, so that Kali can light it.

I know. I just hate being idle.

She gazes at me sadly.

Yet you also fear being mobile.

It's true. I have a genuine worry over how much energy I exert, hence me rarely leaving the house, or nemeton, frequently. It's almost like one of the web comics I'm reading right now, where one of the side characters is tied to the stately home of the male lead, because she dedicated her hair to a magical heirloom of the noble family she served in place of the only knight of their house at the time. Genuinely, for me, it feels that way - like I'm obligated to stay, unless other people help me to leave when need be.

Kali addresses me.

You are not obligated to stay. However, it is important that you take the time to rest and recover, and allow others to help you, so that you may come back stronger.

As she imparts this wisdom to me, Lakshmi wraps me in my throw.

You may want to sleep now, Lin.

It's only 7pm, but given the current discomfort I'm feeling, and the toll it's taking on me, I may very well take that advice.

Thank you. All of you.

I sense a few people from my family in each doorway, checking to make sure I'm alright. It feels as though they may very well talk about the condition I'm in now, which I have mixed feelings about. 

Whatever happens, I want to get better.


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