121 - A God, Intuitive


So now I actually know why the voldys kidnapped me.

One or both of the voldys held a grudge against my parents, and so decided to use me as leverage.

Because the voldys felt weak, they thought that using me would mean that they would have power over my family.

It is utterly sickening.

They were such misers that they didn't truly see my value or properly take care of me, so I learned not to, either.

No wonder I'm struggling with the idea of self worth and how much value myself and my needs hold in life.

Also, it explains why I reacted so badly to bin boy.

He was pushing a button with regards to self worth about how much I should have because he himself couldn't imagine himself having it, and so didn't want anyone else, including me, to have it either.

Living with the voldys was exactly like that - I was always given all the hand-me-downs that voldy jnr had grown out of (even underwear), I was expected to not ask for what I needed or wanted and to not kick up a fuss if things were genuinely going horribly, among other things.

People wonder what's wrong with me when I had those cockroaches for parents.

As I write this, I can hear Reynolds in system yelling about what we do with cockroaches (which is spray them with Raid) very obnoxiously.

He always knows how to make me laugh.

Today, again, has been very quiet.

Most days are quiet here now, which is actually nice, although I wish I could get myself out of this self imposed isolation I've made into a habit.

Tomorrow I have my next GP appointment, and I don't know if I'm ready for it.

I have everything I need for it, so long as I remember to take it with me, but I'm still a bit on edge thinking about it. Realistically, I'll probably be fine.

There's another thing I should add, which is that my UC work coach wants to speak to me.

Which, given my lack of attendance to UC appointments, is understandable. I'll have to speak to my mental health practitioner about getting one for longer than two months, as I'm not exactly in shape to work right now, and I know I won't be for a while.

Spiritually, and mentally, I'm exhausted.

I know I won't be for long, but I sense this weight hanging over my head like an omen of poor faith. 

Let it wash away.

Terrence is stroking my hair, and I nod, surrendering to the embrace. Intuitively, this is what I need to do - I must allow myself now to receive, and allow others to do the heavy lifting where I cannot.

Trugarez, again.

I sense him smiling as he runs his hands through my hair.



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