125 - A God, Banishing


Yet another day has been relatively uneventful.

Unless you count the work that I'm doing now, which I can't talk about.

Put it this way, it's for my own good.

And surprisingly, between things, I managed to prioritise my own health, which is always a step in the right direction.

There's so much I have yet to do.

There's so much I want to do.

For now though, I ought to focus on being consistent with regards to keeping on top of my health.

Really, after everything I've experienced, and knowing now what the results of my lack of wellbeing have led to, my wellbeing is king. 

Which has meant that sometimes, I've had to focus on banishing things that don't serve me in my life.

Sometimes, they are habits. Oftentimes, they are people.

Here I am, again, cleaning up a mess that wasn't even mine to begin with.

But it's better than leaving the mess around to trip over later down the line. And making sure my life is tidy is a valuable use of my time.

Now I've just come back from sorting most of my problems.

It really does seem that I needed to take some action, even if it was only a little bit, to ensure that I get what I need.

Sometimes lad, that's all it takes.

Hey, Manny.

He walks in, smiling.

Good thing that's sorted now - you can rest fer a while until it reveals itself.

What do ye want to do in the mean time?

I narrow my eyes, considering my options.

Making subliminals would be great, but I don't think it would be wise to make them right now with other Gods, despite it feeling like that's exactly what it needs.

Manny frowns, concentrating.

Perhaps only write the affirmations fer now, and if anything else comes to ye, only use it when it feels necessary.

But also keep in mind that you're on spiritual bedrest, so anything to do with making things may not be what ye should be concerned with right now.

He's right. I still have yet to get better.

Research and logging is probably yer best friend at the moment to get rid of that itch.

That's just what I was thinking, actually.

He grins.

We're on the same wavelength!

I find myself beaming, too.

Yeah, we are.

Do you want to watch a movie?

He nods.



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