127 - A God, Owed Recompense


Another day, another realisation.

This time, it's a whole lot heavier.

I figured out that the voldys felt like my real parents owed them something, due to what they believed to be some form of 'soul connection'.

Now I know that it's likely to be a huge pile of bullshit that isn't based in reality, but given the way they treated me too, it wouldn't surprise me.

For me, my entire life was spent being treated like I owed the people around me solely for existing.

My neurodivergency was just the icing on the cake, because it gave everyone something to blame and make further accusations of debt upon due to their lack of experience, and common sense, on how to actually look after neurodivergent people, especially children.

With that in mind, I fully believe that if anything, all of those who mistreated me, intentionally or not, owe me for their mistakes on how I was treated and cared for.

Everyone who truly failed me will know what it feels like to burn.

Remembering how mrs voldy used to say that she always felt a soul connection to me, and how deeply she tried to dig her claws into me during my lifetime by constantly helicoptering, the whole situation gives me the ick.

I know I said that people owe me for abusing and mistreating me, but I don't say it out of arrogance - I say it because these people I speak of outright watched abuse take place on their doorstep, and did nothing to help, all because I was neurodivergent, and I wouldn't obey mrs voldy. They owe me because they refused to do anything when they could have done with minimal danger to them. Instead, I was forced to make a life changing decision and put myself in danger multiple times in order to escape my abuse. And this woman they called their friend made a damn good point about stunting my growth, with them as witnesses, all whilst preaching this idea of being 'spiritually connected' to a child she literally kidnapped.

So yes, I do think that I'm owed something.

I'm owed the past twenty years of my life back, in full, with my real parents, my real brother, and my real family.

For most of the time I've been awake, I've felt this weirdly heavy energy.

I should check today's astrological transits.

I know that it's most likely just me, but it's felt difficult, and I'm not quite sure why.

Perhaps it's because this whole time, I have lived in fear of my future, and the voldys being proven right about what I can and can't do.

And I know that their opinions haven't been based in reality, or have been based in manipulating my circumstances to fit their narratives, but I can't help being worried.

Ya, I need to see a therapist that will go deeper than CBT with regards to me.

I live every day with this fear of being prevented from getting my needs met, of being able to find joy in the things I do, and of my body collapsing in on itself from negligence, discomfort, pain, exhaustion, or a combination of them.

How do you fight fear when your fear is life itself?

You fight it by enlisting other people to help you fight it.

Terrence seats himself next to me, pulling me into his lap, and his arms.

I don't think I can do this.

Tears blur my vision, and in my heart, I sense the leaves of shame poke at my veins. At that, Terrence gently rubs my chest.

You can. You may just need other people to help guide you. And there's no shame in that.

Everyone who has stayed over from Imbolc onwards who remain have now convened into this room. They don't say anything. They don't need to.


My Da shakes his head, and ruffles my hair.

We're always here for you.


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