130 - A God, Standing Tall


I may or may not have thrown off my entire sleep schedule waiting for a reply from my housing officer.

Which was a bit weird, given the lacklustre response from them.

Turns out that I forgot to mention that I changed my name in the time that I settled here, and so I'll have to reveal my dead name for the second time it's been uncovered recently.

Last time, it was identified by my mental health practitioner, who found it in my medical records.

No matter which way you put it, the whole thing is uncomfortable.

But I'll live.

Other than that, I'm happy today.

I bought some tools for my work, and another festival bun for myself, because Ole & Steen are master pastry chefs.

Admittedly, I did have a few moments where I felt gross, but quite a few people, especially Hermes, doubled down on the silliness and taking the piss out of the attempted persecution, which was decent of them.

Ya, they're a bunch of mad lads, my cousins - and I love them.

And we'll keep being mad!

Oh, hey Hermes.

I didn't expect him to outright visit, but it's not like I'm going to refuse him.

Also, daily reminder to take your pills.

I pop another two, and chug them down with water.

Ευχαριστώ. (Evcharistó.)

He grins.

Παρακαλώ. (Parakaló.)

I tilt my head to the side, assessing the vibe he's giving off.

What brings you here today?

He shrugs.

Helping to protect my cousin as they get better.

I raise an eyebrow.

Aren't you a bit busy for that?

Iris, Arke and Angelia can do most of my jobs for me anyway, so I'm not really that worried.

He has a point. Iris does most of the messenger jobs anyway, Arke has access to the underworld due to her tenure in Tartaros, and so can manage the influx of the dead, and Angelia is used to managing messages between the Gods, humanoid beings and humans in general. So it's not like they'll miss him if he leaves for a while.

How long are you planning on staying for?

As I ask this, he falls into a sitting position next to me on the sofa.

As long as it needs.

I cast him a questioning look. He rephrases.

As long as it takes to kick rickmansworth's arse.

I rear back slightly in shock.

You'll be off work for a while.

He shakes his head.

Nah, I don't think I will be.

Only now do I realise what he's saying.

You've made this a part of your work.

He nods.

You're the big boss now. I can't let ya be left out in the cold given your role now, and neither can anyone else. I ain't sparing anything I don't need if it helps you getting better. And frankly? I've had a pretty good run of godly existence this time around. I'm one of the lucky ones of us who managed to survive and thrive consistently. Quite a few other people have been hanging on by their fingernails - especially Artemis. And that's those who do have a lot of memory attributed to them. 

But with you and a lot of your close family? It's all obscurity. And yeah, I'm mad about it. I'm mad, because my cousin, who almost built this Sim singlehandedly with their bare hands is having to do yet another clean up job after that walking silo, who shouldn't have even been ruling in the first place! 

Hermes takes a few deep breaths, and seemingly begins to calm down.

I ain't standing for that shit. I'm not going to watch what that troll did erase you from history entirely just so he can get what he wants. Not that he will anyway, but you know what I'm saying.

I nod. What rickmansworth did to our cultures, but especially my father's culture, and my country...

It's worse than unforgivable.

What are you going to do?

Hermes smiles.

I'm gonna make sure that the whole multiverse knows about you.

For a minute, I wonder what he means. Then I realise.

You're not-!

He grins.

I am.

Pausing to take it in, I run through all the possible outcomes. In all of them, I can see rickmansworth and his cronies, including the voldys and bin boy, explode and reveal their true selves to the entire collective. 

Everything about what he's implying is advantageous for Gods and people as a whole as well - it would enable everyone to communicate on a more personal level, and allow for more interconnection, whilst also promoting a sense of boundaries in a way that nothing else could.

You're a genius.

What can I say? I invented the lyre. I can make a solution to something shitty in about five minutes or less if I put my mind to it. Perks of being a God of innovation.

I smirk, shaking my head.

Way to toot your horn, eh?

He chuckles.

Hey, it's not like you don't.


We sit there for a minute, basking in this spiritual electricity, this excitement for what's to come.

I don't think I'm ready.

Hermes nods.

No one is. Not even me. But that doesn't meam that we shouldn't do it.

He's right. What he's about to begin will rock the entire Sim in the best way possible.

Then let's do it.


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