136 - A God, Admiring


My mental health practitioner tried some shady shit over yesterday and today.

Honestly, I didn't want to mention it, as the whole thing has made me a lot angrier than I like to be at any given time, but I also feel that this takes precedence over pleasing anyone with regards to how I write this blog, which is, first and foremost, for me - even if I do choose to share it with people.

So she decided to not email me with confirmation of our next appointment, and so I ended up being notified yesterday that I was supposed to have an appointment today.

Now this may not initially sound insidious, but I have reason to believe it was in an attempt to force me into a neurotypical box.

Last time we met, she basically went roughshod over my fears of going out, and blamed me for having a negative outlook surrounding going out, as well as my current needs encompassing it, including having someone with me when I do go out, such as a caseworker.

During that appointment, she tried to push me into going to music therapy in an area of the borough that I don't even know, saying "don't let the distance stop you," as if that would solve the problem. 

In my opinion, she deliberately withheld the information about my appointment so that I'd be forced to attend on my own.

From what I remember, she was also very dismissive of my reaction to bin boy, and picked at my testimony on what the voldys did to me in a way that I can only describe as 'looking for malicious intent'. She was literally analysing my microexpressions and picked one out, almost as a way of accusing me of something before even hearing my version of events.

Luckily for me, the caseworker on duty today spoke to me and realised that this had invariably upset me, and has decided to support my decision that I will not tolerate seeing her any more if I do not wish to.

Personally, if a person or thing does not spark joy in my life, I can and will find a way to detach it from my life. 

Being my parents' child, I have zero qualms about taking out the trash.

And that's on only allowing for people on my level to be in my life.

Just like I taught you.

Da ruffles my hair and takes a seat alongside me.

The other caseworker's going to be off for a while.

I know. We'll look after you in the mean time.

I sigh in relief.


He nods.

Of course.

I rest my head on his shoulder, and he smiles.

Do you want to watch something?

I crane my neck slightly to look at him.

Cinema Therapy?

He nods.

Sounds good.


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