142 - A God, Interpreting


It's been a productive but unhinged day.

A certain grudge still remains within me, and I want to see fit to let it leave my life.

Unfortunately, it seems as though this will only dissipate with time and focusing on building up my own confidence and power.

Easier said than done when the only personal space I have is my room.

Well, at least I share my kitchen with someone who respects my boundaries this time around.

Honestly, I appreciate that more than words can say.

My dreams have been colourful as well.

Pleasant, like befriending dogs, or unpleasant, like having to face past abusers, at least they've been interesting.

Though we will have to protect against any more cult jingles deciding to turn up in my dreams.

Of all the things that persecutors seem to like using to scare the orientation out of me, cult jingles are pretty high on the list.

Quite a significant portion of today has been spent reading tarot and oracle cards.

For all of my interpretations, it seems, I can only know so much.

Luckily for me, what I do know is that things are changing.

So long as I hold faith in that, I'll see my life change before my very eyes.

Have faith in it, Lin. It'll happen.


She's slightly taller than me, so I find myself etching on tiptoes to reciprocate her hug. She stifles a good natured chuckle.

It's great to see you again. Apollo misses you.

As one of the members of the queer Greek chaos squad, it's unsurprising. I miss him and the gang, too.

Great to see you, too! And I miss all of them. What brings you here? Does our cousin have a message for me?

If you were not already aware, Nike is one of Apollo's messengers, aside from the Mousai. The Mousai tend to work in specialisms, so any messages they get from Apollo to send to someone else tend to be related to their expertise. 

Nike, however, is the Goddess of Victory - and her presence here now could mean any number of things. 

He has seen you prosper - very soon. His specific message was that he doesn't want his dear cousin to worry.



Can't. He sees and gives prophecies, as many people do, but whether or not more information can be given, as you know, is subjective to what said prophet sees. 

This translates to...

He didn't give anything else because he couldn't.

She nods.

I can only assume that saying anything else could potentially affect your future, and as you yourself are a Time God, it's most likely that if that were the case, he'd see mentioning anything else as interfering.

He's considerate, I'll give him that.

Prophecies are always uncertain. Did you tell you anything else?

In his words, "let the blue tit sing". Whatever that means.

Somehow I know it's a message for specifically me, and it has a meaning that I cannot yet recall. Yet, it is important, a landmark of our ancestry, the pinnacle of what I am as a person, the heart of my being. It is...


She stares at me in shock.

I have to let myself sing.

Recently, I've been keeping my singing fairly quiet here, as I hate the idea of disturbing people, or getting into yet another argument with someone as a result of me attempting to follow my joy. 

Too many times have I silenced myself for the comfort of people who have no care or concern for my wellbeing. Too many times have I grinned and beared that silence. Too many times have I cried and suffered as a result of that silence. Too many times have I been told that said silence is what and where I ought to be.

Not any more.

As you should. Sing, act, write, make whatever you want. It's not like anyone can actually properly sabotage you now.

She's right. The curse is gone now, most of the system's issues have been resolved, I'm on a path of spiritual healing and I've taken ownership of the Sim itself through democratic means. Now's a fairly good time to at least make a proper start on a few things.

I smile.

I think I will.

Ευχαριστώ, by the way, for breaking the curse.

I nod.

Παρακαλο. You're all my family. It wouldn't be fair otherwise. I should thank you too, for supporting me to get back on my feet.

She grins.

Well, you helped my mother and father to not be forgotten, as well as cleaning up my father's image, as some people decided to make him seem like a brute. I think you probably know about that kind of thing more than most people.

I pause for a minute. I most certainly do - all too well.

For context, Nike's father, Pallas, was basically warped into a goat-human hybrid that tried to kill my cousin, Athena, which is simply not true. Pallas was Athena's mentor, and gave her his jerkin as a token of respect for his student when he realised she was ready to take his place.

Now, the theme of barbarising cultural things, and people, has been a consistent thing with regards to the way in which my people, specifically my Gaulish and Celtic branches of the family (though there are definitely other cultures in my heritage affected) being turned into monsters, specifically for not bowing to people who considered themselves 'superior' to us, whether those were the  snot nosed Romans, or the blood sucking Christians, that invaded our lands and enslaved our people. 

Even my Greek family didn't go away unscathed - certain members of my family like Pallas and Styx were made to be seen as ugly and evil, when really, they served multiple purposes as deities who took care of battle and parts of the Underworld, as well as helping to ensure that oaths were kept, and that feelings such as hatred and anger were kept in balance.

Most Gods that have been related to evil have been severely misjudged and mistreated. There are, of course, exceptions to the rule, but it can be difficult to see the forest from the trees when people use skins to pretend to be Gods when they absolutely shouldn't. (Key point here: that shit is illegal.)

Well, that was the right thing to do.

Her grin stays firm.

And I'm glad to have a leading God like you say that, because it means that you'll continue to advocate for the right thing to do. I promise that I will always lead you to victory, when I'm allowed to.

I appreciate that.

Can you afford to stay a while?


She takes a seat, and one of the bowls of salty popcorn on the table.

What are we watching?


Ok, I haven't watched that in ages and I am here for it.


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