146 - A God, Claiming


I claimed a new city last night.

For a while, I kept feeling a draw to it, and the tarot and runes seemed to agree that it was a good place to take and even move to.

Honestly, I'd go as far as to say that it's the largest point that I own.

Or, at least, that it's the largest place that holds my hallmark now.

As a precaution, I will keep this area's name a secret to the public for now.

But once it is right and safe to do so, those who have the right to know, will know.

There's more good news where that came from - starry pants has officially left the housing association.

Leaving me and my neighbours safe from him and his cult connections.

Watching bin boy leave would also be wonderful, if it can be engineered properly.

Everything seems to be playing into my hands now, so I should ask for things whilst the energies move in my favour.

Days like today remind of just how little I can tell a lot of my mortal friends and acquaintances about anything to do with my life.

So much of said life has an undercurrent of spirituality and godliness that they could never know nor be privy to, for both their safety and mine, as well as the sanctity of the Sim itself. Most people who know me in real life have no idea that what I say here is as me, as opposed to as some kind of caricature.

You'll be able to tell them eventually.

Manny passes me a hot chocolate, then takes a seat, sipping from his own cup.

I know. It just feels like I'm a bird without wings.

He nods.

Aye, I get ye. It can't be easy without as much access to your powers, either.

I sigh, nodding.

Really, I'm just tired. I've been waiting for a long time for things to start, and it feels like nothing is happening. It's been this way for more than three years now.

That's because ye've spent half of that time shaking rickmansworth's influence and attempting to heal a lot of shite pretty much on your own, though I will admit you had marginal help. Either way, ye shouldn't have, nor normally would be on yer own within those circumstances. I would say try thinking less about time, and more about what ye want.

And I know this is harder as a Time God, but maybe it's more about what's in the timeline, as opposed to how the timeline plays out.

He has a point. It's also important for me to bear in mind that both of my caseworkers are off until next week, and so this stuff hasn't all been me, so it's been out of my control. Once they're back, it's likely I'll have more help, in order to get me out of here quicker.

Additionally, I'm still healing from a lot of things that happened to me, both here and during the time that I spent with the voldys. I've realised a few things about my privacy that also make them incredibly suspicious that they were quite lenient with in their care of voldy jnr in comparison to myself, like not allowing me to close my bedroom door. My door in this house, luckily, has two locks that I'm perfectly capable of locking, and I shut it whenever I want to.

You're right. Focusing on what I want is probably what's best for me right now.

I take a sip of my hot chocolate, and Manny gently ruffles my hair.

If ye ever need to vent about what the voldys did to ye, we're always here. Alright, lad?

I smile.


He passes me my seal plushie, and my throw, putting a gangly arm around my shoulders.

Abuse is never fun, lad, so ye don't have to pretend you're ok right now. However, that doesn't mean ye should lose hope in life - because ye know what? I think that faith in yourself has been what's gotten you through life so far. 

That determination to be who you are regardless of what mould someone would try to put ye into? I guarantee ye, with certainty, that ye didn't learn that from the voldys. Ye might not remember it now, but it's most likely ye learned that from yer mother, though I'm sure your Da influenced that part of ye as well. But I see both of them in ye, lad. 

So take it from me when I say that I believe ye can do anything ye set your mind to, and I fully expect that ye will. Whilst the voldys expected ye to be nothing, I want ye to be the leading God that you are - because you deserve that much. Ye deserve to be recognised for yer tenacity and your talent, and neither of us, not me, not yer father, yer mother, yer uncles, nor anybody else in our family, maternal, paternal or otherwise, would have it any other way.

My eyes begin to get misty, and I sniff.

Gura mie ayd.

Manny quietly hands me the tissue box, and pats my back.

Get it out of yer system, lad. Ye deserve better than that.

I nod, blowing my nose. I end up making a trumpet impression, and we both start laughing.

Playing fer the Philharmonic Orchestra, are we?

I grin.

Tost! (Silence!)

He cackles, and I pat him on the back.

I'm learning, I swear.

Wheezing, he shakes his head.

Ye really take after them, lad. Ye really do.

Vie. I like to think so.

He composes himself, and picks up the TV remote.

Anything ye want to watch, lad?

I nod.

There's a Studio Ghibli series in Scots Gaelic that I've been meaning to watch. Would you be interested in it if we could find it?

Manny beams.

Of course!


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