150 - A God, On Bedrest
Despite my flu symptoms being horrible, today has actually had a few upsides.
I found a new health subliminal that has really helped, and I was given some money, which is always fabulous.
My main caseworker still hasn't shown up yet, but the other caseworker for our house has, which is also great.
I had planned to see them, but given my current state, I don't think it's necessarily a good idea to see anyone, unless I consider them family.
Either way, my Maman and everyone else have basically put me on bedrest, and not just spiritual bedrest this time.
Being on physical bedrest ironically makes me more inclined to enact spiritual bedrest as it means that I'm more focused on my body than what's spiritually happening.
However, today has not been all sunshine and roses (or rainbows, for that matter).
We found thorns turning my heart into pulp. No wonder I thought my heart was gone - it was being squashed.
To me, it feels weird, yet lucky that we found it now, as it means that now I can more easily open my heart to things.
Not to mention that a few nasty people who were messing with my heart and emotions have been gotten rid of now, which means that healing will come much easier to me, especially physically and mentally.
You know how they say that the eyes are the windows to the soul?
Well, if the eyes are windows, then the heart's the door.
So here I am, lying in my bed, basically having not moved for most of the day, because my body and brain are really not feeling it.
At least the people in my life currently actually know what boundaries are and respect them now, so illnesses are much more manageable for me.
Hey kiddo.
Hi, Da.
He ruffles my hair as I sniff, blinking as my flu makes a point of irritating my eyes.
Still at that point?
I nod.
Mat eo din.
He swaddles me in my throw.
Then get some sleep. I'll be dealing with the stuff you and Ananke discussed the day before yesterday whilst you do.
I smile.
Of course.
Scooping up Erebus, he gently places him beside me on the bed. Erebus prances to the end of the bed and begins purring.
Thought you might want some company. Though I'm sure Terrence will probably join you soon as well.
I appreciate it. Take care of yourself too, mat eo din?
He smiles, ruffling my hair.
I will.
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