160 - A God, Urgent


I reached a breaking point today.

My body decided to scare me, so I ended up calling 111, so now my GP knows I'm struggling.

Several other places were contacted to help with my stuff, but I'm hesitant to go through with everything just yet.

Also, it's been really loud here today. I initially thought someone might be moving, but I'm unsure of this.

The urgency I felt today was different than the other days I've dealt with it.

Honestly, it's a pain that this happened before my new caseworker was put in place, but given the situation, I don't think I could have done.

You did your best.

Da walks in, ruffling my hair before taking a seat alongside me.

I did all I could.

I sigh.

Did you know, the storms came in today?

At the mention of storms, he smiles.

Yes, I did notice.

For context, myself, my father and my uncle, Loucetios, are the three main Gaulish Gods of storms - I am known for lightning, my father, Taranis, is known for thunder, and Loucetios is known for the storm itself. Loucetios used to be known for lightning, but he handed that role to me after much mentoring.

I know that seeing storms is a good portent - it's a clean break. Somehow, I know that there can be peace because of it, and that maybe, just maybe, I'll get better soon.

Curling up on the sofa, I rest my head against his shoulder.


For what?

You know what for.

To send me signals at my darkest hour to keep me going is the best thing he could have possibly done for me.

You're my kid. I'll always look out for you.

Even now, when I can't properly leave my room, it's nice to know that someone cares, and is keeping tabs on me.

I appreciate that.

We sit there for a while, enjoying each other's energy. Then, Da picks up the TV remote.

You want to watch anything?

I rifle through my brain.

Meet The Robinsons?

He grins.

Good choice.


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