161 - A God, In Respite


Somehow, I managed to eat today.

It seems that having a microwave set up in my room has helped significantly. If I can apply the same reasoning to getting my own fridge, I may very well get one.

A weird thing happened just after my daily reading, actually.

The rune Jeras popped out.

For those of you who don't know, it's the rune for cycles and good harvest.

Perhaps I will be rewarded for doing my best to take care of myself.

My brain especially needs this now, as I just dreamed about a wasp.

Which, if you know me, terrify me, amongst most other flying creatures.

Honestly, I might need to see a therapist about that.

But first, I should probably focus on getting out of here.

Just as I say this, I feel someone pull and wrap my throw around me.

Yes, by first sleeping.

Για, Morpheos.

He nods as I sense the weight of slumber pursuing me again.

You should rest. Whilst you can't sleep in the Dreaming, I can still make some areas aside from liminal space safe for you. Though I may also need to check liminal space with you at some point, given the wasp imagery.

I know what he's checking for.

Or, should I say, who.


He sighs.

The fake Norns probably left you some nasty programming, but you've had a lot of unpleasant imagery involving insects recently, and that's important to be sorted out. That's something that myself and my brothers can work out. Are you alright with that?

I nod, allowing myself to feel the fatigue of today grant me rest.

Ευχαριστώ, cousin.


He ruffles my hair, and I drift away...



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