167 - A God, Priceless


I'm crying.

Emotionally, today has been rather tumultuous.

Despite me having burned bin boy's boon, some things in regards to my abilities are slightly limited.

Then again, this may also be due to being in this house, with all of these people.

Knowing this, I have therefore come to the conclusion that the best I can do to cleanse the town I'm in, and care for my own wellbeing, is to leave.

Before I try jumping into mental and physical treatment, I want to ensure that I'm not surrounded by incompetence and other people's toxicity (see: idiocy, narcissism and perversion, pages 3, 5 & 21.).

Let's be clear: my nice neighbours are genuinely decent people, but even with them, I have had one or two run ins with things that have knocked me a bit emotionally.

For instance, being blamed for a sink blockage I didn't cause (though it was jokingly), and having a tub of ice cream opened and eaten without my permission aren't exactly the best things to do to a neighbour you like.

Now I won't say that I'm completely righteous myself, but I can say that most of my conduct has been from a place of genuine contemplation, as opposed to either prodding a neighbour you haven't seen in a while, or prioritising a friend over a neighbour's very clearly set boundaries.

Either way, neither of those things really should have happened, as much as I like them both, and it's not the sort of behaviour I accept. I'm extremely conflict averse, so both situations put me in difficult positions that I'd rather not repeat.

As I have a rather good grip on what my worth is, I think that I deserve better.

I am a God, and therefore I am priceless. My surroundings should match that, whether they be the house I live in, who I live with or what I choose to decorate my halls with. It is mine - and it should therefore be sacred.

Someone taps me on the head.

Need help?

I turn. Kthesios stands there, golden robes on, dreads coiled in pieces of ornate gold. He grins.

Ναι, I do.

He nods.

Well then, should we take a look at a map of your options?

I smile, and nod gratefully. He picks out the atlas himself, and I circle which places I feel are best. 

Expensive taste. But then again, that is you.

Making notes in his diary, he asks me a question I actually did not expect.

How lavish?

I tilt my head in slight confusion.

How lavish is there?

He cackles.

Well, you've got posh, then you've got millionaire, then you've got "fuck off, peasant." Third one sounds a lot like you, but I feel like you're more likely to go with the second, given your propensity for politeness.

Give me the third.

His cackle turns into a roar of laughter.

Oh dear lord! You know, it's about time you said that!

Clutching his sides, he steadies his breathing, tears streaming from his eyes.

You know, that audacity is what I missed about you.

I find myself smickering.

Of course. After all, I am a God.

But in all seriousness, this is more of a jibe at the cult and their peasant mindsets than anything else. Though I'm sure you already know that.

Being a God comes with a fuck ton of responsibility. The least I can be given in return are perks that can enhance my ability to do said job, even if it seems frivolous to those who need less than I do.

Ναι, I do. And you of all people deserve it for sure.

He pockets his notebook.

Give me three days to find the best of what you're looking for in those places.

Oh, and-

He passes me a golden key, with a little charm in the shape of a house hanging off of it.

If you ever need any of us Gods of Home, all you need is set the intention to see one of us. That includes Hestia. Εντάξει? 


I skip over to him and wrap him in a hug.


He smiles again, ruffling my hair.



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