182 - A God, Seeking


Today has been full of calls to ask for help.

I literally called 999 on my own for the first time, which was unpleasant, to say the least.

Essentially, I got guided in a circle.

Honestly, I am significantly better now, but it's still concerning for me. I'll have to message my caseworker to let them know what happened.

Besides all of this, my day has been fairly uneventful.

As I can't leave my room right now, it makes sense.

Usually, I'd read tarot, but I couldn't even do that today.

Yet I will always come back here - because knowing that I can express myself somewhere is important.

Right now, I'm not sure if I should write much, given the circumstances.

But as a God, I will say one thing:

I will not be silenced.

I know in previous entries I have promised this, but I mean it. I know I'll be alright eventually, and probably more ready to express a lot of my experiences when I'm better.

That does not mean I'll remain silent whilst I'm in pain.

As I think this, I find myself being surrounded by marigold petals, and they sit on my skin, tickling my flesh as they land.

My Việt ancestors.

They must be able to tell that I'm suffering if they've come all this way.

Who am I speaking to?

Hừa Đại Nương. One of the twelve midwives, as you'd know us in English.

I don't think we've ever been acquainted, though we may have been once.

Of all people, why the midwives?

Out of black sand comes a very pretty, tall woman, in traditional scarlet Việt dress.

You are sick from a hereditary disease, and we deal with those. Remember what's encased in amber?

Of course! The disease Maman and Gran told me about.

I'll assume you're coming from my mother's side, then.

She nods.

I'm here to help facilitate treatment. Asklepios can't yet be here, neither can Belenos and Hygeia has her hands full.

She pinches the bridge of her nose.

It's no bed of roses we're dealing with.

I gaze at her.

Thank you.

Of course!

She smiles, and takes my hands in hers.

Leave everything to us.


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