193 - A God, Thinking


Today has been full of relief.

I have someone to go with me to appointments on Friday and next Wednesday.

Monday doesn't sound like it's booked yet, but I'm sure it will be.

Honestly, it's nice to be looked after.

As for tomorrow, I don't have plans, so I'll do my best to rest.

Which, given how Friday and the weekend will most likely pan out, I'll need to prepare.

Part of me is a little bit frazzled, as I decided to try drinking coffee again after a long time.

From what I can tell, so long as I don't get a large drink, I can handle coffee. I still have to be careful, though.

Somehow, I feel like my recent prayers are being heard, too.

Everything seems to be answered now, which feels good.

You wouldn't usually expect it in the middle of Mercury retrograde, but it works, somehow.

Despite even the current universal energy, things seem to be working out for me. For now, at least.

Hestia has taken a seat with me in the nemeton, whilst I bear with the pains of having a female body. I'm wrapped in my throw, alongside my seal plushie, so I'm the most comfortable I can be.

Do you want anything else?

I think for a minute.


She smiles, punching in our order.

Churros it is.


Do you think they'll have options for me to get out of here soon?

For a minute, her brows furrow, deep in thought.

I think so.

You'll know when you see it.

I nod. 

I've been waiting to leave for so long.

I know. And you will - but there's a little more healing to do before you get there.

If you like, we can read for it.

I beam.

I'd love to!

Hestia reflects my expression.

Ενταξει. We'll get out the tarot. But first, do you want a milkshake?

I nod vigorously.

Bubblegum, παρακαλώ.

She grins.

Of course.

Just ordered.


Do you want to watch Doctor Who as well?

Her face lights up.

Definitely! You're in the middle of Nine's arc, right?

I nod.

I think we're about to meet the Slitheen.

She smirks, turning on the TV.

Oh, this will be fun.

The fire crackles more than usual, and I realise that Hestia's aura is more luminous than before.

You're excited about something.

She smiles.

What am I missing?

She raises a finger to her lips.

One must not tell secrets.

I tilt my head sideways in confusion.

For me?

She chuckles.

You could say that.

Before I can press her further, a knock comes from the nemeton door, and Hestia picks up our order, setting down my churros and bubblegum milkshake, and her brookie and Aero milkshake.


She smiles, clicking on the next episode of Doctor Who.

You ready? Let's go.


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