196 - A God, Powerful


Something in my soul has changed, and I can feel it.

I listened to an Epica song quite dear to my heart, and saw new visions for the first time in a while.

Maybe sometimes the magic is in the waiting, in being patient.

After letting that magic flow through my veins, I've not felt more powerful. Not in years.

Despite the song's initial meaning, it feels to me more like defeating a fake God, than solely facing up to a monster.

There's nothing like the triumph I feel right now.

I spent most of today, like usual, sleeping.

Frankly, I needed the rest.

Waking up anxious was not what I expected, though.

Having strange dreams about my classmates from school didn't help.

My mood has been quite variable, as well.

Whether it's to do with the meds or solely me, I'm unsure, but it isn't exactly pleasant.

Not to mention some of the gross intrusive thoughts I've been having, which I've had to force myself to ignore.

Let's put it this way: no way am I sending hatred to my friends, nor will I allow myself to dwell on my sexual trauma for too long.

Someone gently taps my head, and when I turn, I'm faced with Loucetios offering me chocolate cake.

Ah, trugarez.

He smiles.

Ma plijadur.

For a minute, we sit in silence.

I've been so alone.

He nods.

You've isolated yourself quite a bit physically, haven't you?

I sigh.

I wish it was easier.

Do you think that the ISEN will respond soon?

Of course! Though you haven't told them everything yet, have you?

I shake my head.

It felt too personal to put in one message.

That's fair enough.

Do you want to watch some Doctor Who whilst we figure things out?

I smile, nodding.

That would be nice.


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