210 - A God, Focused


My body has decided to be feverish again.

Admittedly, I haven't eaten very well since yesterday, so it's kind of on me, but even so, it's unpleasant.

However, the impulses have dissipated, much to my relief.

I will be avoiding coffee for the foreseeable future. 

Today has actually been better than I expected.

Whilst I did sleep late, I've been less distressed than most weekends - probably because I've realised that I have to rely on myself, first and foremost.

Right now, I'm focused on getting to Monday.

Frankly, I am nervous, but I need to pull through - patience is key.

Since last night, it has felt easier.

Deina's destruction in system was a need - her actions were harming multiple people in system, not just me.

Lying in Robb's lap, I smile. It's been a while since we spent time together like this, and he seems to find joy in my company, too.

Of course I do. You're you, Plushie.

I grin.

Better not start inflating my ego, ma kared.

He smirks.

You barely have an ego to speak of, Plushie. I doubt some well deserved compliments will make that much of a difference.

I laugh.

Even so...

I elect to ignore that. 

Besides, Terrence gets to compliment you all the time. We might not be married, but you're still Plushie, and I'm still Crow. Now and always.

My face grows red with equal amounts pride and happiness at his acute memory.

Iawn, you win.


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