212 - A God, True


Somehow, despite things not going to plan, I was ok today.

As it turns out, my calendar should be empty until Friday, aside from a meeting with my caseworker. 

Realistically, I probably need the rest, and my caseworker probably does, too.

Last week was havoc, so it's best to take it easy from here.

Besides, my caseworker has at least four other clients.

Which means that she can't always be around for me like I need someone to be when things get bad anyway.

I do want to be independent again.

Yet I'm not sure how ready I am for that.

To an extent, there are some things I can do.

For instance, taking a short bus ride on my own.

However, bigger things seem to increase my anxiety.

One example is the idea of taking the Tube on my own, given how many panic attacks I've had on it.

Perhaps I'll get there eventually.

My money's on my success. It'll come, sooner or later.

Tsuki lies in my lap, a small smile playing on his lips.

It's been a while since we spent time together.

I nod. 

It has been - more often than not, one of us is tied up in godly work or healing, and as a result of that, we've not really been given the chance to see each other, even on the astral.

I missed you.

He gazes up at me, the love in his eyes as clear as day.

And I you.

He sighs.

Do you think we'll find each other in this life?

Of course!

I intend to rewrite the timeline world wrote, so if we can have a romantic relationship again, that would be great.

He grins.

So long as Terrence and the others are on board, then so am I.

Speaking of which, does Terrence know you're rewriting the timeline?

Yes. He was the first person I told.

Tsuki smirks.

Married behaviour.

I laugh.

Allow it!

He snorts.

I'm fine, as long as I get to be a part of your life, Honoki-chan.

Honoki-chan. When was the last time he called me that?

For context, Honoki in Japanese means magnolia, and he calls me that in reference to what he perceives as my 'saucer like beauty', though I'm pretty sure he says that to make me laugh.

You know you're pretty, Lin. Let's not dispute that.

I shake my head, giggling.

You are something else entirely.

He smiles, sitting up to wrap an arm around my shoulder.

So are you. And I wouldn't have it any other way.


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