213 - A God, Passing


Today may have been the beginning of something beautiful.

I referred myself to an organisation that may have a place for me!

However, I need a social worker to submit a needs assessment.

My hope is that they get onto that as soon as possible and realise just how much help I actually need to get back to being independent again.

Passing it over to my caseworker has made me equal parts nervous and happy.

Frankly, I don't like leaving it to other people, but I trust her to get the job done.

After looking at Cadw, the Welsh version of English Heritage, I'm actually excited to move.

Once I get a membership, I'll be visiting historical places in both Wales and Man, as it'll be free if they're owned by Cadw or Manx National Heritage.

Cadw membership also gives a 50% off discount for both English Heritage and Historic Scotland for a year, then is free after a year.

You bet I will be investing in an individual plan.

Someone ruffles my hair, and I turn to see Manny grinning at me.

Thinking about visiting Mannin, lad?

I nod, and he takes a seat alongside me.

You'll want to fly to Douglas first, kiddo. Air's sweeter there.

I can't help but smile. Myself and Manny haven't spoken in what's felt like ages.

Nice. I'll bear that in mind.

Where have you been, anyway?

Manny sighs, slouching slightly into the sofa.

Healing my own things, lad. Besides, Vannin needed healing as well. Though I did make sure to come back to stay during the night. It felt like you still needed my presence somewhat.

And now, it seems, you need it again. Probably further.

I cast him a questioning look.

How come?

For a minute, I can sense him contemplating his answer.

Ye need someone to meet ye in the middle - to teach you how to be your godly self again. And I mean this ability wise, not just soul wise.

Whilst you have plenty of protection, you also need someone who can look out for your wellbeing on the physical without it being or looking weird for ye.

Essentially I am offering to be a mentor to ye until you figure yerself out.

He smiles.

Ye vie (good) with that?

I grin.

I would be honoured.

He ruffles my hair again, beaming.

Fabulous. We'll begin when you feel most ready. Kiart dy liooar?

Kiart dy liooar.


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