219 - A God, Better


Despite being left to my own devices, I feel relatively calm today.

Though I am starting to worry about money again.

I'll probably be ok, but still.

Part of me got a little bit too enthusiastic about buying crystals. I need to curb my spending.

Besides that, today has been more fruitful than expected.

My session with the therapist went well, and I've filled out two applications - one for housing, and one for a social care assessment.

And... I just started writing another song.

Eating some kiwi snacks seems to have done this to me.

Sensing my confusion at my sudden inspiration, Efara laughs as I curl up on her father's sofa, borrowing a particularly fluffy throw (which I've been told I can keep). 

Writing music again, are we?

I nod.

It's about kiwi.

She grins.

Kiwis are good. Maybe we should research them? After all, it might relate to some stuff that could heal you spiritually.

I can tell you need that, especially since you've been away for so long. You can stay for as long as you need.

My heart swells with gratitude.


Ma plijadur. You should visit more often! Ma tadig likes making dinner for you as well, you know. Besides, I know of some places you'll probably want to visit whilst you're here as well - aside from any beaches, of course.

Oh, and - we can swim in the bay as our shifting forms, if you want.

She beams, bouncing slightly on the balls of her feet where she sits. Given that she hasn't seen me in ages, it's no surprise that she's excitable.

That all sounds great! Swimming will probably have to be done in a secluded area, though.

I know of a place we can do that in daylight, along with some of the other mari-morganez, so we can do that! 

Perhaps we should start with the music though, given that you're into it now.

I smile.

Ya, let's do that.

She brings out her guitars, handing me Cynthia, one of her acoustics, to borrow. As we begin with chords, Efara gently aids me in positioning my hands on the frets, and for the first time ever, I can play bar chords just fine.

Ah! It works!

She laughs, and I hop over to hug her, guitar and all.


Her laughter turns into a fit of giggles as she playfully shoves me off, and I fall back onto the sofa, cackling alongside her.

You are something else...

She catches her breath.

What was it that you were humming just now?

I hum the tune of the song that I'm writing now about kiwi, and she begins to mimic my tune on the acoustic in her hands. 

You're so skilled.

She shakes her head.

Nah, it's just years of practise you didn't get. I know about the voldys well enough to know what they did to you, and frankly, you deserve better.

So I'll help you reclaim that musical side of you in every way possible, and anything else that they deemed their right to steal away from you. Mat eo din?

Mat eo din.

She puts Molly (her acoustic) down, gestures for me to do the same (I do), and reaches over for a hug, which I reciprocate.

First and foremost, you are a God - and you deserve to be treated like one. I mean that. You've done so much for our people, and the odds in your existence have been wholly unfair, especially in this lifetime.

This time around, I want to make sure - and I'm sure many others do, too - that you're treated with the kind of respect that befits your station. And you will be. 

I'll make sure of that.

Hugging her slightly tighter, I nod.

Trugarez, again. For taking care of me and mine.

She pats my back.



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