222 - A God, An Alter


I sent an email to the Pottergate Centre today.

Hopefully I'll get an answer soon.

For those of you who don't know what that is, the Pottergate Centre deals with dissociative disorders, especially dissociative identity disorder.

Now, whilst a lot of our experiences have indeed been spiritual, it is important to note that some inexplicable physical things have happened to us as well.

As we've begun watching Moon Knight, I realise that some things have definitely happened to our system, too.

Like when we were kidnapped from our house, I completely switched out, and had no memory of the next five hours of our escape, as when I woke up in the voldys' house, I panicked.

But somehow, I think that our system is a lot better at covering our tracks than some.

Then again, saying that, we've learned the hard way what happens if someone can't access memories from other alters that happened as a result of amnesia. 

Of course, there are times when there are exceptions to the rule.

And once I found out that I was a part of a system, even with the spiritual elements, amnesia, whilst annoying, has become a lot less of a problem for me, as I know where it comes from.

Right now, it's safe to say that I'm in a relatively good mood.

Unlike previously, the energy in my room feels much better, especially with my new crystals. The grape agate and surprise chlorite have especially helped.

The menhirs call for me again, and I can't help but feel the need to run. Run into the night and never look back.

Don't go alone.

Terrence takes me by the hand, leading me by the hand into the hallway. 

I knew this would come up at some point.

Efara stands behind us, shoving on her boots and coat. I then feel a hand on my head.

I'll come with you.

My Da steps forward to be beside me.

Someone ought to keep you safe out there.

I nod.

Trugarez, all of you.

So, where are we off to, lovely?

I pause for a minute.

Menhirs de Kerfland.

Da nods.

Chariot, it is.

Parac'hel comes to see us off as we head out, hopping into the chariot with enthusiasm.

Take care of yourselves out there!

We will! You take care, too!

We'll be back before dawn!

Karout a ran ac'hanout, tadig!

With that, we take flight, unicorns leading the way, floating into the clouds. Then I hear a voice I know well.


From what I know of Les Menhirs de Kerfland, it's a portal to the Gaulish underworld. If so, there are only a few people that it could be - but I know it's most likely to be...


At this time of night?

I nod.

I can feel his fear on the wind. I need to help him.

Mat eo din. Check him first, just in case.

We land just before the stones, and I jump out, viewing Esus from the outside.



I walk in to see Esus, looking considerably older than he should.

Someone tried to drain your life force.



Tavi stares at me in horror.

Ya. It was one of world's men.


He wanted entrance into the Underworld.

The only living things that can walk directly through the Underworld are either Gods or immortals. Anyone else has to have a permit for whichever Underworld they wish to enter.

You refused him a permit.

I nod.

He stank like garbage.

They sigh.

Hold out your hands.

Purple petals drift out of their hands and onto me, transmuting my body back into the youth they know me to be, transforming my wrinkles into glowing, tight skin, my hair turning from grey to dark blond, my sight becoming brighter.

My body feels much better as I roll my shoulders. Then, I notice something. 


Their eyes glow blue in the darkness, and an American voice answers.

I need to give you something. Whilst that thing that world's man used wasn't particularly effective, if they figure out how to modify it, that weapon could be capable of mass destruction. 

You need protection.

The shield...

You're Sammy.

Yes, I am.

She turns the body's hand, a sky blue shield glowing in her hand, transferring up above the golden pocketwatch symbol that already glows above me.

Blue light swirls around us, forming an ethereal barrier around us, then forming to encapsulate only me. Suddenly, it flickers away, along with the symbols.

Tavi's eyes return to their normal purple colour.

That should cover the protections you need.

They open their arms to hug me, and I reciprocate.

Trugarez, cousin.

They smile.



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