223 - A God, Verified


As we've been watching Moon Knight, part of me has admittedly felt a bit lost.

I'm not sure that we as a system switch nearly as much, though that may also be just because I'm so used to being in the front that I often feel people being co-conscious, as opposed to experiencing not fronting at all.

Yes, I am front stuck, and have been for quite some time.

Mostly since the kidnapping, I think, though saying that, I can't be sure.

Our system has always been good at covering our tracks, so it's no wonder that I didn't notice.

From what I know, most people didn't notice, except one person, who outright asked because he himself experienced it.

That was the first time I'd ever actually been asked about our system.

But because we'd been dismissed so many times, we were cautious about talking about it.

However, the godly stuff in Moon Knight is awesome.

Definitely not the same as how I and the system experience it, but amazing all the same.

Surprisingly, today hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be.

Getting used to being abandoned isn't good, but I feel strong enough on my own somehow, to get through this, with or without help.

You're not alone.

Feeling a hand on my head, I turn to see Efara smiling at me.

We're going to take you somewhere far out. You'll like it, I promise.

I nod, lifting myself up off the sofa.

Mat eo din, where are we off to?

It's a secret.


She laughs, sending me into the hallway to get my shoes.

We're all going this time.

Great. Today's our last day here, right?

She nods.

But we have some good friends in Brest and Saint Malo who can help you adjust.

I tilt my head in confusion.

I thought that Saint Malo was a cult town.

She shakes her head.

Saintly towns usually are, but world never had favour with the land spirits over there. You could probably claim and rename it, if you want.

But what would I name it?

I can hear multiple people giving me suggestions in Brezhoneg in system, and part of me is a tad concerned about them fuelling my ego.

Take the suggestion, Tavi. You deserve a placemarker in our country, as our patron God. It's about time you had one.

A sliver of a smile crosses my face.

Karantez ar Litavis. 

Ya, that's brav.

We head to the car, and fasten our seatbelts. As Parac'hel drives, I realise that Efara was right - we are heading a bit of a way out.


Is that radio station talking about Nantes? Why-?

She turns to stare at me, and I realise the radio is talking about that night.

You did not!

I smirk.

Dude, you put a Full Moon back during the New Moon! Do you know how difficult that is?

They didn't have a moon. Something had to be done.

And then you made it rain petals?

She cackles.

You dramatic bastard!

Speaking of dramatic...

She smickers.

You might want to put your drama crown on for this.

Parac'hel's driving slows to a stop, and then I realise where we are. The wind whips my hair, and the salty air greets me like an old friend.


You brought me all the way here?

Both Efara and Parac'hel nod, smiling. As they do, I hear a crowd begin to chant.

Yec'hed mat an Roue! An Roue ar Ys!

An Roue! An Doue ar Breizh!

Good health to the King! The King of Ys!

The King! The God of Brittany!

I stand, frozen in shock. I look to Terrence, and he grins. Next to him, my Da nods, and I turn to the crowd.

I endeavour to take care of all of you, until Time no longer exists! As God Of All, God Of None, I promise you that I will bring peace, contentment, freedom and awareness to our land! To our country, Maman Breizh!

The tears stream down my face before I even notice them, let alone the crowds echoing 'Maman Breizh' like a battle cry. I sense myself being held by many hands, and arms, steadied. One man puts a hand on my shoulder. His face is wizened and wise.

I will follow you, my King.


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