225 - A God, Well


Ruffling Tavi's hair, I smile.

Do you want to come?

They nod. Given that they're usually stuck inside all day due to illness, it's no surprise that they want some fresh air. 

Whilst their health definitely isn't great, it'll get better - and we're going to start with this.

Mat eo din. Your stay in Breizh may be longer than you think, ma kared. Just remember that.

It's only polite to warn them now, before it gets to being potentially unforgivable.

Before we go and find those responsible, we need to see Belenos.

Belenos, Gaulish God of the Sun, as well as healing. He's Danú's husband, but he often works away due to where his nemeton is situated, which is in France, as opposed to Ireland.

For me?

Ya. You need someone to check on your condition, and he's more suited to that than I am. Plus, if needs must, you can stay there and get treatment until you're better. 

This is important for the entire Sim, Tavi. The responsibility you've taken on cannot be shouldered alone, even if you are healthy - but being well enough will make things easier for all of us, including you.

We can cure you, to an extent. Perhaps not everything, but enough to help you get back on your feet and doing the things you need and want to do in the way that best suits you.

Mat eo din. But what, exactly, are we curing?

Pinching the bridge of my nose, I sigh. It's best to be honest with them.

I don't know. Belenos could probably diagnose you for certain. I know it's not the thalassaemia, but whatever this is seems to exacerbate the thalassaemia - as has the poisoning.

Pausing to take in this information, they nod. I only know so much, but I do know well enough to know that Tavi not having medication for their thalassaemia is a part of all this, and it could threaten their life if not looked at properly. The poison, as bad as it is, quite frankly, is the least of our problems.

The real question is: who managed to coordinate everything to ensure that Tavi would end up being physically impaired for such a long time? And for what purpose?

Because I think this was done to prevent Tavi from ruling the Sim in the way they're supposed to - and it's no surprise to me that one of world's goons was sent to attack them in such a verbal and spiritual way that it not only stank of the voldys, but that it also has made it nigh impossible for Tavi to fully take care of themself.

Whatever this is affects Tavi on all levels, and I have no doubt that it's deliberate.

I think it has something to do with my heart. And potentially my spleen.

I nod. Tavi's intuition is usually quite astute, so I have no doubt their channelling is correct.

We'll tell Belenos when we get there.

Handing Tavi their pea coat, I pull my boots on, answering the door bell with a yank of the door. Sanis, Maltan and Arvensis all stand outside, dark brown hair and light eyes following my movements.

We're going to deliver justice.

Maltan pipes up.

Yes, but we have to find injustice first, gwir?

She's right, unfortunately. Though I do have a strong gut feeling about who might be responsible - for all of this.

Tavi steps out, in pea coat and platforms, smiling.




As I rifle through my paperwork, an unsolicited knock sounds at the door. I sigh. Things haven't really been going to plan lately.

Opening the door, I note Sanis and Arvensis holding up a tall blond, with Aventana and Maltan at their sides. 

This can't be good.

The blond looks up, and from the crescent moon birthmark on their left cheekbone to the purple eyes that stare back at me in apology, I know exactly who I'm looking at - and all else can wait.

Get in here. Now.

They haul Tavi up the stairs carefully, trying and failing to avoid them grimacing. 


I shake my head, offering my arm, which they take gratefully.

You have nothing to apologise for, Litavis. You are clearly sick.

Gesturing to the room I'm about to put them in, I nod.

Not too far now. You'll want to take a seat.

They breath a large sigh of relief, sinking into the examination bed. 

The Tavi I know was never this lethargic. They could run in ten inch heels if they had to - and pretty fast, too.

I've been poisoned, but I think there's more to it than that.

These are what came out of Tavi's eyes.

Aventana hands me a bundle of black velvet, in which I find several pieces of kyanite, lapis lazuli, cinnabar and four pairs of deer antlers. I wince. Having anything come out of your eyes is painful, but these objects are extremely sharp, and were likely hurting Tavi.

First things first...

I pour out three plastic cups of fluid, and indicate to each one. 

Take yellow, then purple, then green.

Tavi casts me a questioning look, so I elaborate.

Yellow will clean out the poison, reinstill confidence in you and your body, and reconnect you with your money system. It'll also help with your hair.

But take it slowly.

Tavi nods, taking a sip.

The purple will help with your eyes and your powers, though you may need blue for that as well...

I sigh.

Mar plij, if you could check my heart, I would really appreciate it.

Nodding, I usher them over to the bodily CAT scanner, prompting them to remove their jewellery and shoes.

Climbing in and lying still, I begin the process, and see exactly the problem they're referring to. 

Ah. Ya, I see it.

Someone has put a stopper in the top of Lin's heart, preventing energy flowing properly through their body, as well as preventing any manifestation on the physical, let alone as a God. It's probably negatively affected their ability to ground as well.

Permission to go into your system?



Taking a seat, I connect to Lin psychically, travelling inwards, until a sea of white light surrounds me. Looking up, I view a windowed roof showing a bright blue sky, barely cloudy. Lovely.

I'll show you where the heart is.

Following along, I listen and smile as Lin explains everything we go past - from the departments to the people, everyone and everything is well organised. When we get to the heart, Lin rings the bell by the gate, and Valentine answers, obsidian bob waving in the slight breeze in system.

Hey! You must be Belenos! Please, come in!

Unlatching the gate, Valentine guides us through the heart chamber, and up the staircase, to where the extra blood vessel in Lin's heart - which all Gods have - is clogged up.

That plastic stopper is the bane of my existence. I'd really appreciate it if you could get it out.

I nod, standing over the now opened fence to the blood vessel. Yanking the cursed topper out, a load of black goo spurts out, and both Lin and Valentine spring into action.

Lin begins to use their electricity to clean out the heart, whilst Valentine drills through all of the access codes enabling her to cleanse the heart. Once the black goo disintegrates, a load of flowery milk exits, and I fume. Lin rolls their eyes, pulling out what looks like a reptilian creature, which once electrocuted, also turns to black goo. The flowery milk also evaporates, with Valentine's help, replaced by a beam of golden light.

Just as it should be.

Valentine breathes a huge sigh of relief.

Thank you so much, dude. You're the best!

Stretching her arms out, she lets out a whoop.

Hey! Guess whose heart is goo free?!

A chorus of cheers erupts from below us, and Lin grins.

Trugarez, cousin.

I return the grin, ruffling their hair.


Returning to the office, I rub my eyes, before plodding over to check Tavi's CAT scans again. Sure enough, the stopper is gone, and light is flowing all the way through their body again.

They smile as I bring them out, handing them the yellow drink again.

I remember the order. Yellow, purple, green.

Green is for my heart, right?

Ya. It's also for health, money and your connection to nature - including your godly nature.

You are a God, Tavi. Never forget it.

They nod, taking another sip of the yellow drink.

I think you should stay. Did Terrence come with you to Breizh?

They nod.

Well, he may want to stay here too, whilst you heal. Would you like that?

Mar plij.

Mat eo din. If you need anything, please feel free to ask.


I smile, and I mean it.

Ma plijadur.

Waltzing out of the room, I invite Aventana over.

I have no doubt about who did this.

She nods.

Go on.

What do you know of Liv Parsons?

Her face screws up in rage.

I knew it!

Air swirls around her, and it seems to take all of her effort to calm herself down.

She's a bully, and a rapist, and a liar! A murderer!

Taking a few deep breaths, she punctuates her words with the sharpest glass I've heard in her tone for a millennia.

That is the last straw.

She turns on her heel, coaxing Sanis, Maltan and Arvesis to her side.

Let's smoke out a rat, shall we?


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