246 - A God, Positive


Lin seems really upbeat today, which makes me happy, too.

It seems that the spell they cast last night was really potent.

On another note, it sounds like someone found the real version of the singing sword in Germany.

Perhaps I'll pay a visit to Nördlingen.

Honestly, I'm in a great mood.

With Lin's recovery going so well and the sword being found, it feels like things are looking up - as though the flow of time is working in our favour.

Upstairs, I hear music. Usually, I wouldn't think much of it, but it sounds as though someone's recording stuff.

My senses always perk up when I hear Lin's voice, so that's probably part of it.

As I listen to them sing, I realise.

They're singing about moving.

Jumping off the sofa, I stroll upstairs, to the third floor, to view Lin, Cathy and Vesunna manoeuvring recording equipment and readjusting as Lin sings - and somehow, I can't help but feel proud. Upon noticing me, Lin's face lights up.

Ma kared!

They mouthed it, as the microphone was still recording. Luckily Cathy has taken note, and promptly paused the recording, before laughing as Lin hops into my arms, beaming.

Ya, lovely, I missed you too!

Nuzzling into my chest, they wiggle slightly - in a very specific way that tends to mean they have received wonderful news.

What am I missing, lovely?

Glancing at Cathy, they nod, still dancing in place, as Cathy whips out her phone to show me a text exchange between herself and Robb. As soon as I'm done reading, I feel the grin spread over my face, too - and it's reflected in both Cathy and Vesunna's faces.

Robb got Lin a confirmed place to stay.

Cathy nods.

He'd been looking for a while, but the place will now accept them.

Who are we thanking? Is this Vesunna's luck?

We all chuckle, and Vesunna blushes, but she's smiling, too.

It's safe to say that my cousin deserves the best, and I want them to know that. So does Robb - especially given that they're moving to Wales.

How long do we have?

Vesunna smiles.

Two weeks, at the latest. One, if they can get around to it fast enough. It's being considered an emergency move on situation, given Lin's condition. Belenos prescribed plenty of country air and a place of their own - and if a doctor is saying that, then it can hardly be ignored.

That means Lin can leave almost immediately.

So Lin can pack their bags soon?

Pretty much.

Lin looks overjoyed, and frankly, it's contagious.

One step closer to me getting better!

Cathy grins.

I'll drink to that!

Reaching behind her, Cathy produces a large bottle of Bailey's, and I can't help but snort.

How the hell did you hide that?

It's called practise.

Lin cackles.

Cathy, you're insane, and I love you.

Out of nowhere, they produce enough sherry glasses for all of us to have a glass of Bailey's.

Not you as well!

Both Cathy and Lin start giggling, and I sigh, locking eyes with Vesunna, who shrugs in her mirth. We both watch as these impossible Gods, one of whom is my wife, the other their cousin, pouring Bailey's into fancy glasses, talking about what Lin would do once they get to Wales. Lin raises a toast.

Al dizalc'hted!

Al dizalc'hted. To freedom.

Al dizalc'hted! Yec'hed mat! 


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